2 - Minho

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I stand outside of the school building, cigarette in hand, I take a drag and then crush it under my feet, I breath it out, I feel calm, it gives me a similar rush to the cocaine of heroine, but I can't do that again, not after what happened to Saemin.

I look up and meet eyes with Chan, he nods his head, ever since I broke down in his, and all my old friends arms, they'd been this kind of connection brewing between us again, noting like how it used to be but not anything I'm mad at. They watch out for me and I acknowledge them all, I even notice the way Changbin stares at Felix for a little too long when he laughs and the way Hyunjin snakes his arms around Seungmin when he thinks no ones watching. I've found that now I'm not with them all the time their presence means something more, I closer to them in a way.

'Can I have one' Jisung says, I just look at him, he doesn't smoke, he doesn't drink, one he's religious and two his mother did both and she died. I shake my head 'you don't smoke Jisung' I say and he nods and leans back on the wall 'I know I just wanted an excuse to come and talk to you' I just look at him again, his hair is blonde with random pink strands, he's dressed in a soft cream sweater. We had a spark before, but that was years ago it basically went out, candles don't burn forever.

'Just go away' I say pushing him of the wall 'no' he says and stands firmly where he is 'Minho I care about you and don't want to watch you tear yourself apart' behind him I see Changbin, he's looking at us, with a hopeful expression 'just leave me alone' I say pushing him to the side and walking away. I walk straight past Changbin, he tried to reach my shoulder but I don't stop, I can't stop.

The bell rings but I'm already out of the school grounds 'Mr Lee you should be in school' Mr Shin, the bar owner says, he's like a father to me, I recently decided to move in with him and get away from illegal activities, he gave me a job and an excuse to be away from school, I couldn't be more thankful 'people where annoying me' I say taking my hat and jacket of, he gives me a light yellow sweater, the one I always wear at home, Saemin gave me it, I treasure it.

'Just go in tomorrow' he says, he's lenient with me, my grades are average and I don't do drugs, that was the promise, the smoking and the drinking he let's fly under the radar, he ignores, he knows I need something to calm down, to forget 'please give them a chance' he says as he walks to the back room, he's been telling me that for weeks but today for some reason I nod, instead of saying nothing.

Thank you for reading, the chapters will be who's POV it's from, I have no idea how long this book will be but I do want a bit of angst for a while

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