18 - Jisung

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'I'm taking you on a date' I say as I slam a backpack down on the table, me and Minho have been hanging out regularly for the past few weeks, and knowing that he's going to rehab in the next few days makes me want to pursue my feeling for him, we've kissed and had romantic moments, but we haven't been on a date.

'A date, it's too hot to go on dates' Minho says, he's doing some homework on my desk, although I can't decide if he's actually doing it or if he is drawing.

'I don't care, we're going to the beach, now wear this' I shove a T-shirt and some shorts into his arms 'what will you be wearing' he asks, standing up, complying without anymore complaints 'wouldn't you like to know' he scoffs and I walk out, I can imagine him getting dressed in some panicked daze, it amuses me to imagine Minho flustered.

'Why are we hiking, you said the beach' he says, waving bugs and branches out of his way, he has a bucket hat on, something a fisherman might wear and too much sunscreen, his T-shirt sleeves are rolled up and there's a thick layer of sweat coating his skin 'I didn't say what we were doing after' I say, handing him the water bottle 'I assumed dinner' he says, he screams at the sight of a spider, noted Minho and nature do not mix. 'That's too cliche' I walk in front of him and can clearly see the end, I run to it and faintly here Minho shout for he in the background.

'It beautiful' I say and Minho joins me 'not as beautifully you' he says, he stand behind me back hugging me and nuzzling his nose into my neck 'you smell of chemical apple' he says, I giggle 'I know' at that I pull out a green lollipop 'let's share' I say, its a stupid suggestion and I'm only doing it for nostalgia but he indulges me anyway.

'I'll miss you' I say, we find ourselves still sitting on top of the hill, looking out over the city 'doesn't it seems so far away' he says and looks down, I nod 'you'll feel like that, so will I but it won't really matter as long as we have a connection, a label' I coo at what he says and then scold him slightly 'Minho' I say sternly 'can't we be official' he asks holding my hands.

People sometimes have a look that make you want to say yes to everything they say, and Minho has that face, those eyes, but I shake my head 'after rehab' I say and he looks happy with that response.

I can't decide if these chapters are too short, let me know. Anyway how you enjoyed that please comment and vote.

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