23 - Jisung

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Walking into school for a new year felt different, not like were just coming here for another year of education, it felt like we had something to prove.

This year, Minho wasn't alone, he wasn't stood outside the school smoking a cigarette, smelling of the night before, in a warn out leather jacket and old jeans. He was in a light pink T-shirt with a milk bottle on it, a blue cardigan and knee length denim shorts, his hair was bling now instead of a dirty black. But most importantly he looked happier.

We were holding hands, he was sucking on a red lollipop and passing it to me every few seconds, I don't remember what we were talking about. It was hot and there was a slight breeze, but it was a warm breeze, on you imagined when thinking of the night of summer. But it wasn't summer, maybe it was my happiness that convinced me it was, but it wasn't.

When we entered the school building, if felt like nothing was wrong, like nothing was ever out of place, people didn't look at us when we walked in, at our intertwined hands or at Minho, it's like they had all forgotten, moved on.

Jeongin was back, he came back pet way through summer, it was hard to know if he was abused there too because he came back suspiciously cheery, like he was flying. But sometimes he would crash, come back down to the earth suddenly, he hadn't sobered at all, rehab had only made things worse.

In chemistry me and Minho still sit next to each other, but now we don't steel awkward glances, we are love sick and stare into each other's eyes, I never knew he was so good a science, the way he looks with the goggles Ona nod his hair pulled back by a thick hairband is something I'd never noticed before. I find myself occasionally lying to much attention to him and not what he's saying.

Who can blame me, I haven't lost Minho, in fact I think he's more found than he ever was before, there are times that we don't see eye to eye or that he drinks, but he always feels embarrassed, when he does anything he tried to avoid. The way the new girls, in the lowest year invite him to parties doesn't help either.

But he smiles, a genuine smile, sometimes it's only directed at me, most of the time he's neutral, doesn't react to anything around him. I'm the opposite, overly energetic, but with him I learn a sense of calm, I learn a sense of belonging, beside him is where I'm always meant to be.

Again this felt like an ending chapter, it isn't, there are only a couple left though. Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter.

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