Parks leads to disasters kids

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I'm sorry, I would've updated sooner, but my computer broke! It's only now that I've gotten a replacement computer. I've been surviving on my phone the entire Easter break! Or spring break as it's called. Whatever. Here you go.


I woke up, and my first thought was: Wednesday. Which means school. And no weird stuff today. It feels like it's been forever since I've had a normal school day. I wonder what I should do today? After school, I mean. I could paint my room? I have a bare wall.

Those plans went out the drain when I checked my phone.

we R going 2 the park 2day AEAP U cmn??

Which translated to English means; We are going to the park today as early as possible, are you coming? I thought about it. It might be fun, depending on who exactly 'we' are. I sent him a positive reply anyway.

I quickly got ready for school, taking a quick shower, finding an outfit for today. Something pink caught my attention and I scoffed. I buried the pink skirt that Pops bought me deeper in the closet, before exiting. Now dressed.

I got downstairs to have breakfast, but I didn't even get to sit down before I was pushed to the door.

"No time for that, you'll be late." Pops said. I gave him a flat look. "I am not going without breakfast, lateness shouldn't be a problem." I said. I'm hungry and heaven knows I've been late before. My record is coming five minutes before class ended. The teacher didn't even have the chance to yell at me. It was legen-waitforit-dary. Yup, that was a Barney Stinson reference, those who didn't get it have not lived yet. Congratulations, you fail at life. (No just kidding, jokes on you.)

"Here, you can eat this when you're there. You'll get detention if you're late again. You didn't forget our bet did you?" He smiled, showing that he knew perfectly well that I forgot. The bet. If I lose it, I'll have to go to a Justin Bieber concert. If it wasn't bad enough, I'll miss my chance at coming to an All Time Low concert. They just so happens to be playing at the same day. Guess which one I'll be joining. If you guessed Bieber- I don't even have a threat gory enough for you. I'll let you use your imagination, you heartless demon.

"Alright, thanks Pops. I'll be out then." I said, taking the bento box from him. Don't know what a bento box is? A bento box is a Japanese lunch box, you westerners! Then I guess you don't know what Konoha really is, do yo? Allow me to explain it for you:

Konoha is a Japanese village, located near the ocean. However, Konoha is not the traditional Japanese village. For starters, we speak English, making us a duo-lingo village, meaning we have two mother tongues. In daily speech, we use Japanese words where they seem fitting, also we use honorifics. At times. I prefer Mr. and Mrs. to be honest. It depends on how traditional you are.

Outside, the village is mostly Japanese styled, the houses, the schools and such, but our culture is a pretty even mix of Japanese and western. To sum it up, Konoha is a very unique village, there's only five villages like it, and it's these things that makes it so precious to it's citizens. Including me. You wouldn't believe how many times Pops has helpfully offered that we move several times, even though he loves this village more than anyone. Something about bad memories, oh and the fact that I went to schools in other places. But I wouldn't move for anything in the world, plus Pops would be heartbroken if we had to leave.

Oh look, your lack of knowledge made me zone out the drive to the school! You should be ashamed, do you have any idea of how dangerous it is not to pay attention when you're driving? Nah, I'm joking, I've zoned out lots of times. Small attention span and all that. Damn, I did it again! There's my locker!

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