Answers But Not The Ones You Want

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Next day, everything was back to normal. Except me. My mind was racing with my new knowledge. I felt like I had been given a puzzle piece that just didn't fit. This one piece that just threw the entire image out of position. Okay, I'll stop it with the metaphors but my point remains! 

The entire day I was quiet, nothing like my usual self, but if anyone thought anything about it, they kept it to themselves. Which I was grateful for. Actually, all my friends were great. I think they saw that I didn't feel like talking today, so they just kept me company while conversing amongst each other. Even Sasuke was back to normal today. Well, as normal as he gets, I guess. 

It was just me who couldn't get over what happened years ago. I even put in extra effort to avoid Itachi, which went excellent until it didn't. I should have known my luck wouldn't last after miraculously running into Sousuke yesterday, right when I needed someone from the swim team. I should have predicted that right as I was about to leave I would run head first into Itachi. 

It wasn't anything dramatic, but there's just no way to pretend you haven't noticed someone when your face just made physical contact with their elbow. None at least, that would leave me any dignity behind. 

"Fayette. Are you hurt?" 

I smiled nervously, trying to make it casual but unable to deal with this new version of Itachi who may or may not be an actual murderer. 

"No-no, not at all, totally fine here!" I stuttered out. 

"Ah." Was all he said, his expression closing off. 

"What?" His reaction took me a back. 

"You found out, didn't you." It could mean any number of things but it was crystal clear what he was talking about. 

All I said was: "Hm." Neither an answer nor a question but somehow both. 

Something that looked a lot like regret passed over his face. "I'm sorry. It is not a pleasant story." 

"Keep you apology. I want an explanation." 

Itachi just stares at me, his eyes even more guarded than usual. "An explanation to what?" He says, even though he looks like he knows already. 

His passiveness did nothing but make me frustrated. "It doesn't fit! I've tried to make sense of this whole freakshow but it. Just. Doesn't. Fit!" 

There's a long pause. 

"What do you want me to tell you?" It's a rhetorical question but I answer anyway. 

"The truth!

Itachi looks off in the distance, he's detached in a way that only someone who's had this conversation many times before can be. "The truth is a fickle thing. Often it varies from person to person. The truth is what people want it to be. They willl twist it until it fits their needs and no one knows what it actually looks like anymore." 

I stare hard at Itachi for a long moment. He doesn't yield and I decide I don't want to deal with his sorry ass anymore. 

"Fine. Be a cryptic bastard then." It doesn't matter. No matter if he tells me or not, I can tell that he didn't do it. That's the part that pisses me off the most. If he didn't do it, then he should just say so! What's the point of playing the villain? Why make Sasuke hate him? It doesn't make sense. Damn that bastard! I solved one mystery only to be given another, more complicated. 

Also, if Itachi didn't kill Shisui, then who did? And why? If not because he was investigating Itachi and came too close, then why was he killed? Someone has these answers and I'll be damned if I don't find them! And when I do, they better deliver or else I'll take out all my pent up frustration on them! 

While I'm at it, I might as well reunite the moody Uchihas. If Itachi didn't kill Shisui then there's no reason for Sasuke to hate him right? Except maybe the whole Akatsuki deal, but that'd be a bit hypocritical wouldn't it? I've seen Sasuke chop someone's head off, I don't think he gets to judge. Then it's settled, I'll do the entire town, and my blood pressure, a favour and ease the tension between Emo Sr. and Emo Jr.!



*ducks rotten tomato thrown from the audience*

Right. So I know it's late, and I know it's short, but it's an update! Right?

Fayette: You really can't do better?

MAYBE! But it felt like a good place to end and if I tried to make it longer I might just get stuck again. 

Idk, I sorta know where I'm going, and I haven't abandoned you so don't worry and try to stick with me, okay? Good. 

Anyhow, what's been going on in my life? Lots of shit-

Fayette: No one cares.

r00d  x(

Fayette: Ew, I've been tainted. Excuse me while I go bleach my brain


Fayette: Just end this...

Right. Thanks for being patient with me! I'll try my hardest to write! Don't forget to leave a comment, they remind me that this story exists and you guys are waiting for updates! 

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