Slumberparties are evil I tell you!

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I'm such a softie. A part of me would ignore the comments telling me to update. But I did. Cause I'm nice. You should really read these notes. I'm not going to update next chapter (which will be freaking long I think) before I HIT 5 COMMENTS ON EITHER THIS OR THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER SAYING YOU HAVE READ THIS COMMENT OR THE PREVIOUS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya


When the last bell rang, signaling the beautiful freedom from school, Sakura was at my side, gushing about the sleepover.

"C'mon we gotta go!" She pulled my arm. I chuckled at her, "Alright alright woman, just let me tell pops first" She nodded and let go of my arm. I shook it, trying to regain feeling in it, before walking in the direction of pops' class.

I popped my head into the doorway, checking that no one was there besides pops. There wasn't so I walked inside.

"Fayette? What are you doing here?" He asked as soon as he noticed me. I smiled closed eyed. "I'm here to tell you that I wont be back today. The girls and I are having a sleepover" I said. His eyes widened comically and he rushed over to me, putting his hand on my forehead.

"Uh pops? What the hell are you doing?" He put his hand on my cheek. "Well you don't have a temperature. Are you feeling alright? Do you need to lay down?" I sweatdropped and swatted his hand away. "I'm fine! Geez, it was Sakura's idea, and you know how she is-" Ignoring the 'hey' from the background, I continued. "But anyway. I'm not coming back, though I would tell you. Bye pops"

Then Sakura continued to drag me. We met the others outside school. They were standing at Ino's car.

"Uh, what about our other vehicles?" I asked. Temari smiled. "Kankuro is driving him and Gaara home" Tenten looked up from her phone. "I got a lift by Neji and Hinata. Neji is taking their car" Sakura finally let go of my arm. "And I always get a lift from Ino-pig, so there's no need to worry"

I glanced at my bike. "Uh yeah there is. I still have my bike" All the girls looked like they just realized this now. "Hey, anyone want to get a ride. I can just drive behind you, Ino's car isn't big enough for all of us anyway" I asked. They all seemed to agree with me, but none of them seemed to be willing to ride my bike. Meanies.

I pouted at them. "C'mon, I'll drive safely. I have never crashed before, you know" Still, they hesitated.

"Ano, I will d-do it" Hinata said, smiling shyly at me. Even though she was smiling, she still seemed a bit scared. "Great, c'mon Hinata, I promise you it's safe"

Everybody except me and Hinata got into Ino's car. I started walking towards my bike with Hinata trailing after me. I sat on my bike and started it, making it come to life with a roar. Hinata sat behind me, shaking a bit. "There's nothing to worry about, I'm a decent driver. Now hold on tight" I told her. She clinged to me as I drove after the others.

After a while, she seemed to get used to it. Her grip loosened a bit and she stopped shaking. "See, I told you not to worry" I had to raise my voise so she could hear me over the wind. I felt her nod but she didn't say anything.

We followed the others until we reached a local flower shop. The sign read: 'Yamanaka flowers'. I raised an eyebrow. "Does Ino's family run a flower shop?" Hinata let go of me since we had stopped. "Yeah, t-they have for a-a long time" I nodded, I didn't question further because.. well it was boring.

"Let's go with the others" Hinata nodded and we both walked into the shop. What I would think is Ino's mom greeted us, though looking rather warily at me (I have no idea why), and we went into the back and up some stairs. I didn't really pay any mind, I was far too occupied with my thoughts about what happened at lunch. I had decided to tell anybody since I didn't want them to worry if this turns out to be nothing. Besides, they may want to know what 'it' is, and I have no desire to tell them. At all. I'd rather read pops' books.

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