Nope, not doing it. Can't force me!

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I'm so sorry, I had a HUGE writers block, and had to struggle through the chapter. So sorry if it's shit.

On the bright side, THANKS for all the wonderful comments. Especially the that said Konoha High might be her favorite, means a lot!


When I woke up this morning, I immediately noticed the lack of the smell of food. This concerned me as Pops usually wakes up early to cook breakfast. I dressed as fast as I could to see what was wrong.

I walked into the kitchen, seeing Pops sitting at the table, looking serious. Totally cerial looking. As he didn't make breakfast, I grabbed a granola bar instead. I hesitatingly sat down in front of him.

"Something wrong Pops?" I asked, a bit afraid of the answer, And I had every right to be.

"We need to talk Fayette" See? This dreaded sentence. It never comes with anything good.

I fidget in my seat. "Can't it wait? I have school" He shook his head. "I can't ignore it anymore" His eyes suddenly softened, "You're acting like back when that happened"

I flinched, oh god not this talk. "Look Pops-" "No listen to me. I'm worried. I'm not gonna force you to open up, but I can't bear to see you like this. I'm afraid of losing you Fayette"

I sighed, great. Just what I needed, a big sentimental talk. "I know Pops, but you don't have to worry. You're not gonna lose me, this isn't like last time. I just need to find a way out of it and I'll be fine. You'll see"

Pops looked like he wanted to say something, but I beat him to it. "I gotta go now, see you later Pops" And then I ran out of the door, leaving my granola bar on the table. I'm sorry granola bar, but it's every man for himself!

Why is everybody so obsessed with lecturing me these days? I don't remember putting on a sign saying; Please give me a big ass speech. I got control over this. They should just mind their own business.

I huffed as I parked my bike. I'm not scared of the Akatsuki. They're just another wannabe group. As I thought this, Kiba came up to walk beside me. Like usually, yes?

Nope. He followed me like usual, but it's so not like normal. He was not touching me in anyway, he was actually a respectful twelve inches away from me, instead of his usual personal space breaking three. Also he wasn't grinning or smirking. Nor was he talking. He was just walking there. He didn't even look at me.

"Uh Kiba?" I asked, he must be sick or something. "Yes Fayette?" I winced. Auch, Fayette. He has never actually used my name before and it sounds so weird for him to use it now.

"Are you.. alright?" I must sound pretty pathetic. He finally turned to look at me. Although glare at me is more the word. "Fine!" He spat before storming away. I flinched. Him too huh?

Well who needs him anyway! He was annoying and now I finally got rid of him. I should be happy. Yeah, happy that instead of hating me, he hates a lie. Why does that sound like a cheap excuse even in my head?

Ugh, all this thinking has made my head hurt! It's all Pein's fault! He messed up my already pretty messed up life. I don't get what everybody's problem is. Especially Kiba. He's acting like I killed Akamaru or something.

And so I ended up in front of my locker. How I got there I have no idea of. It was like, once moment I was on the parking lot, the next BAM my locker was there. I must be so awesome, I'm magic. That.. would be pretty cool.

"Hn" Oh look, it's everyone's favorite duck. "Not, in the mood" I said, my head still in the locker. I'll just pretend I can't feel him staring at me.

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