Brother's Conflict

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Like all good things weekend had to end, and it became Monday again. Which of course means school, work and a whole lot of drama. I think. I hope that with all this war thing being over, we can go back to normal.

I dragged my butt out of bed and got dressed. Then I went downstairs to get breakfast. And coffee. Mostly coffee.

"Morning Fayette, finally decided to join the land of the living?"

"Haha, coffee first, snark later." I grumbled. I chose to ignore Pops and his snickering, focusing on the mug of liquid energy instead.

"I'm driving you to school today, by the way." Pops commented making me frown. "What? Why?" I asked.

Pops put down his book to look at me. "Because it's late November and too cold to drive your motorcycle Fayette." He told me in his no-nonsense voice.

I pouted at him. "I don't like being driven by you." I muttered stubbornly.

Now Pops pouted at me. "You're breaking your old man's heart. What's wrong with me driving you home?"

"It's embarrassing and you're always late."

Pops sweatdropped. "Because you're ms. perfect attendance."

"Are you trying to imply something Pops?"

He hummed. "Only that you'll be late if you don't hurry."

Shit. I gulped down the remains of the coffee, grabbed my bag and followed Pops to his car. He was wearing that smug little grin. I could tell by the way his eyes crinkled. Bastard.

As a way of getting back at him, I chose the music. AC/DC's Highway To Hell seems fitting, right? Pops aren't commenting, that means he approves.

It didn't take long for us to reach the school. I still miss my bike though. Poor thing, left to rust until spring comes. If I didn't love winter so much, I'd hate it. Does that even make sense?

"Fayette get out."

I scowled. "Ru~de!" Just because I wasn't paying attention, and therefore didn't notice we  had arrived, so I just sat there for who knows how long.

"Have a nice day." Pops sang when I exited the car. I stuck out my tongue at him.

I entered the school, perfectly prepared to have a nice, easy school day. Guess how long that lasted. That's right, not even to my locker. I took one step inside the door, and then I froze. It was like walking into a solid wall, that's how thick the tension was.

"Okay, what's going on now?" I called out to the crowd in the hallway. All I got was attention, no answers. Figures.

I stepped closer, breaking through the masses, who parted for me, how nice, and lo and behold! Who did I see? Itachi and Sasuke, facing each other as if they were having a western duel. By the looks of Duck Butt's glare, they might be.

I sighed like a real drama queen. I do believe I have the right to do that though. The amount of things I've been through lately gives me valid reason for craving normality. Should've known that is impossible here.

It seemed like Weasel was in the middle of some kind of speech, but it sounded depressing as fuck, so I stomped up behind him and started shoving.

"Alright ladies. Whatever issues you two have, you'll have to solve later. You're blocking the hallway, running late for class and wasting my time and patience. Which I don't have a lot of, so move it."

I continued to push Itachi to the classroom, since we both have English, noticing the fact that he wasn't resisting. Lazy ass, if he's going to let me push him, couldn't he just walk like a normal person.

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