Cheerleading sucks, just sayin'..!

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I am being dragged by two she-devils to hell. That means, Ino and Sakura is dragging me to cheerleading practice. They had already forced me into the horible outfit, they're more vicious than me, and now they had grasped one of my arms each. 

"Please, don't make me go, I'll be good I promise!" I begged. I'm doing a lot of begging aren't I? Oh well, it's for a good purpose. 

"No, c'mon Fayette, cheerleading isn't as bad as you think. Just give it a try, please?" Sakura and Ino gave me those huge puppy eyes, which didn't really work but just annoyed me. "Fine, but if i die, I blame you. Oh and if I 'accidently' kill Kiba, it's on you too" 

"YES! Thank you Fayette, you wont regret it" Ino exclaimed. We reached the field where the team was running as warm up, and the cheerleaders were stretching. 

"Ya know, I'm not really fit to be a cheerleader. I'm neither in form or smooth enough" I tried to talk me out of this.

Ino just gave me this 'I'm-not-bying-it' look. "I saw you run in P.E. you're perfectly fit, and I saw you fight Sound 4, you can bend and stretch far enough. Quit the excuses and just try okay" I sighed and nodded.

Kiba chose that moment to notice us. He waved and blew a kiss, winking. I just stuck my tongue out at him, like the mature person I am. I turned to Ino. "I'm already regretting this."

Anko, the woman who is training us, was alright. She was kinda weird (like everybody is on this crazy school) and a bit badass, so I could at least stand listening to her. Everything was going fine until she decided to find out what I could do. She asked me to cheer. Alone. In front of eerybody. And if I wasn't good enough, I would be signed up for extra training, since I could't be kicked off the team. 

"I really don't think that's a good idea" I pleaded to Anko. She just brushed it off. "Sure it is, why shouldn't it be a good idea? I'll just inform the team you'll be cheering them on a bit"

Great, even better. Not only do I have to cheer, the hole freaking team will be payin attention. Including Kiba, who will pester me about it the rest of the week. Whoop-de-f*ucking-doo.

I was placed on the sidelines, the other cheerleaders on the bences, ready to see what the rebel could do. The team was half-heartedly playing, also waiting to see me cheer. 

I took a deep breath, glaring at the pon-pons in my hand. I changed my scowl into a huge, peppy, and fake, grin.

"Kick that ball, make a score

C'mon team we wanna see more

Move those feet

Cause victory's sweet"

I yelled, jumping around waving my pon-pons like crazy.

"We don''t wear bows and skirts

We only wear our soccer shirts

We don't play baby dolls

We only kick our soccer ballls, GO LEAFS!"

I put in some flick flacks. I feel so stupid. I guess this is why I actually can become an actor, I know how to be someone else.

"Look here!

No hands, all we have is fans

No dunking balls in nets, we kick the heck out of it


I finished, dropping both pon-pons and smile. The team, cheerleaders and Anko stood and discussed my skills. "So how was it? No extra training right?" i asked, crossing my fingers behindmy back.

Anko grinned. "Extra training? God no, you're a natural talent! I look forward to see you do the yelling to the next match, Co Captain"

My world just came crashing. Kiba's arm snaked its way around my waist. "Co captain huh? Not bad Lil' Fairy, not bad" He smirked at me. I groaned. F MY LIFE!


Whooo two chapters in one night! But you deserve it as you have waited for so long. And im so sorry about that. see I found this other network,, and wanted to post something, so I wrote in forever, but then I couldn't post it because I wrote it somewhere private. SO that was forever spent on nothing. Maybe I'll post it to you. 

PS check out my new story, 'The new and improved Sakura Harono'

PPS I'm working on a Gaara x OC story, please review if I should post it

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