One hell of a Halloween Party

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I tugged on the cuffs of the jacket. The outfit was skin tight, but not in a undecent way, and made me look, dare I say it, awesome. It consisted a leather jacket, zipped down to reveal a tiny bit of cleavage, tight leather pants, combat boots, a black belt with two fake guns strapped to it. Yup, you guessed it, I dressed up as Black Widow. How could I not? She's the coolest heroine there is. Don't do drugs kids.

A knock wrapped on my door. "Fayette, if you want to make dinner, you should probably head off soon!" I nodded, before realizing he couldn't see me, "Yeah Pops, be right out!"

After a last look in the mirror, I headed out, Pops had agreed to let me drive myself, as I assured him I wouldn't be drinking. I started the engine with a roar, mentally applauding myself for choosing a costume that looks remotely like biker clothes.

"Be home at one, latest, and no drinking! Drive safely." I rolled my eyes, "I know Pops, give me some credit here, I'm responsible." He nodded, and I took off.

I drove to the richer part of the village, counting the numbers. "307, 309, 311, 313- there it is!" The mansion was grand, built in dark grey stone, giving it a dark superior look. Music played from the inside. People were standing on the balconies, chatting. The lawn was decorated with what I hope is fake graves, giving it a graveyard impression. THe vintage street lamps and fog coating the grass gave it a creepy touch.

It was actually pretty cool, not too desperate, but not too half assed either. I nodded once in approval before entering.

The inside was even cooler than the outside. It had dim lighting, and the hallway gave that feeling. I'm sure, were you less awesome and alone, you wouldn't want to continue walking. The people chatting made it more inviting though.

As I followed the signs, I entered a huge ballroom, decorated to look like a scene from a Dracula movie. One word; Awesome!

"Fayette-san!" A female voice called. I turned, spotting a raven haired beautiful woman, dressed as an elegant vampire. "I'm so pleased you could make it. My son has spoken so positively of you!"

I smiled awkwardly as I didn't recognize her. "I'm glad to hear mrs... uh?" I trailed off, "Oh, excuse me! I'm Mikoto Uchiha." I almost jolted, quickly masking my surprise. This is Sasuke and Itachi's mother?! But she's nothing like them!

"Uh, nice to meet you mrs Uchiha." I hurried to say, remembering my manners. "Oh none of that, just call me Mikoto." She said offhandedly. I nodded. "Don't worry, I won't keep you, Sasuke and his friends are in the basement, I think, Itachi and his friends are upstairs" She pointed to the two-way stairs. Nodding in thanks, I made my way to it.

I glanced back to make sure she was gone before I snorted. 'Itachi and his friends' huh? Yeah right! Like I'll ever go up to them! Sasuke and his friends though, I assume that's the Rookies and co. I worried my lip, can I go to them? Before I could make up my mind, someone rang a bell.

Mikito stepped up and announced that dinner was served. I looked up, it looked pretty good, and was normal except for the spiderweb tablecloth. No cheesy 'Brainmass' food or 'Blood' drink. It was buffet style, so people could sit wherever they wanted. I picked up an elegant porcelain plate, careful not to drop it, and walked over. Mikito and a man dressed up as Dracula, who I guess is Sasuke's dad, was being flocked, proving that they were the hosts.

I was looking for a place to sit, when someone spoke being me, "I see you got my invitation then." A familiar monotone voice said. I spun around, to stare into Itachi's eyes, suppressing the slight fear.

"You invited me?" I asked, surprised. "Yes, can I compliment you on your costume." I thanked him as I glanced him up and down, taking in the bow in his hand and the arrows on his back.

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