Dear God, it's Fayette, what the fuck did I do to you?!

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Check out the video on the side ;) So funny


So it became monday again. Whohooo. Not. I'm not a monday-person. Neither am I a morning-person. And I am certainly NOT a monday morning-person. So when pops ever so gracefully woke me up, by ripping off my comfy warm blanket, he had to face the hell that is me in a bad mood. Let's just say that he now has a pretty bruise to match his scar.

I went into my closet grumbling. I threw on my 'Being Badass Rocks' top, a pair of ripped skinny jeans (since all my jeans are ripped and skinny), my converse and my awesome leather jacket. Then I went downstairs to feed the growling beast I call my stomach, while brushing through my hair. The sweet aroma of pancakes hit me, like a.. something hits something else. "PANCAKES!" Ladies and gentlemen, and others, I now represent to you: me, running on a monday morning.

"You seem to be in a good mood" Pops said, smiling from his place by the stove. I just stuck out my tongue. "Because you made pancakes, I'll forgive you for your horrible crime of waking me up" Pops just shook his head. He just don't understand how one person can be so awesome. Don't worry pops, it is one of life's many mysteries.

Halfway through my pancake, pops joined me at the table. I took another bite of the flat heaven thingy. Before you ask, yes, I do love pancakes. But then again, who doesn't. Seriously who doesn't? I'll hunt them down and convince them that pancakes are the most amazing food ever existed.

"So pops, how late are you going to be today?" I asked, spreading Nutella on another pancake before adding whipped cream. It tastes delicious, I'm telling you. "Who says I'm going to be late?" I rolled my eyes. "Puh-lease, if you aren't late, it's sign number one that the world is ending. So how long? 5 minutes? 20?"

Pops just sighed. "You have no faith in me" I just grinned, before eating my pancake. "I'm going, see ya later" I grabbed my back and went out to my bike. "Poor baby, I really haven't been driving on you, have I? Only to and from school, it's alright. Soon I'll take you on a real ride" I cooed at my poor baby. Then I sat on it and started it with a kick. The roar made me relax, I haven't been riding all weekend.

I rode to school in a bliss. It didn't even face me that I almost ran down a person. Don't worry, they're fine, pissed off maybe, but fine. I parked my bike on my usual spot, when a car parked itself next to me. Three familiar people climbed out of it. Out of the drivers side came Temari, Kankuro out of the passenger and Gaara out of the backseat. Gaara nodded at me before making his way to the school. Temari grinned at me and slung her arm over my shoulder. "So how was your weekend?" She asked as Kankuro joined us. I shrugged at her. "Uneventful. Yours?" She sighed dramticly. "Stressful" I rose an eyebrow. "How so?" She smirked a bit and pointed her thumb at Kankuro who had been silent the whole time. I forgot he was there. "Do you know how much of a pain in the ass brothers are?" "HEY" Kankuro objected. "Brothers aren't half the pain sisters are" Temari turned to him, hands on her hips. "Oh really? Well it isn't me who leaves dirty laundry all over the house, and neither is it Gaara" Kankuro scowled at her. This is pretty akward, I feel as if I'm intruding. "Well Gaara is a brother too" Kankuro snapped. Temari just waved with her hand. "He doesn't count, he's not a normal brother" Kankuro was about to retort, but the bell interrupted him. I threw my hands up in the air. "Saved my the bell!"

I was late for class since I hadn't even made it to my locker when the bell rang, plus I was too lazy to run. I was walking down the hall, when pops came from a turn. He was now walking in front of me, his nose buried in his book. I tip-toed so he wouldn't discover me, trying to suppress my snickers.

Pops entered the class, finally putting his book away. "Sorry I'm late class, a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way" He said, eye-smiling. "LIAR" Half of the class said, the loudest being Naruto. "Sorry I'm late pops, Aslan neaded my help saving Narnia" Pops just shook his head. Oh, so a back cat is fine, but Narnia isn't? Well then, I see how it is. Because of that pops, I'm not going to pay attention in class. Oh I did go there!

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