Can we fix it? Yes we can!

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Yeah so shit went down, and guess what? Gaara came along! So, anycow. Right after school all three of us went to Gaara's car and tailed the Akatsuki, spy style. We parked a good few meters away from the safe place, and waited. Just as the two who were going to put it away, Pein and Konan, went inside, I signalled to the other to move.

Shika stayed outside, making sure that everything went smoothly. Kiba, Gaara and I went inside. You wanna know something cool? Somehow, Shika got us hooked up with earpieces and microphones, so we could stay in contact with each other. I felt like a real spy, especially since we went inside through the ventilation system. It wasn't as cool as in movies though, it was just crowded.

We watched as Pein put the racoon in a box, before placing it on a shelf. That arrogant bastard, he's so overconfident that he doesn't even think anyone would be able to get this far! Well think again jerkface.

As the door closed, the lock clicked, we waited for exactly ten seconds. Then I whispered. "Okay, Panda go guard the door, Mutt stay here so we can get up again, I'll snatch the thing." I ordered. If you were wondering, yes I made up the codenames. In case you're an idiot, Mutt is Kiba and Panda is Gaara. Shika is Pineapple and I'm Smexybitch. It's just a shame we weren't enough to do the 'Eagle one' joke[1].

"Roger!" Kiba whispered, Gaara just grunted and jumped out on the floor. The only sound he made was a muffled thump. I on the hand, landed as gracefully as a cat, not making a single sound. Jokes, I tripped as a natural klutz. But a sexy klutz.

Gaara went to the door, placing a hand on it, along with an ear. He nodded once and I tiptoed towards the box.  I used a pen to tap the box, just to see if they had some sort of alarm or security on in. They didn't. So I snatched the statue, and I got to hold it for like two seconds before Gaara tore it from my hands.

"It's dangerous." Was his explanation. I stared at him, but he didn't give anything away.

"Whatever." I said, not in the mood for a fight. I put the box back, with my special note in it, before I signalled to Kiba to pull me up, when Shika's voice startled me.

"Fayette, you need to get out of here, Zetsu discovered you!"  He said, as urgent as Shikamaru can be. I widened my eyes.

"First, codenames Pineapple! Second, what?" I gestured frantically to Gaara to go up the shaft, as I listened to Shika explain. Apparently Zetsu is their spy-guy, and he had a creepy ability to know what was going on everywhere.

"Roger, we'll be out in a jiffy. Mutt, pull me up!" I ordered to Kiba, lifting up my arms. Yes, before you ask, I'm too short to full myself up.

"What's going on? Lil' Fairy?" I just pushed him down the shaft, "They spotted us somehow, now get a move on it!" I whisper-yelled.

We crawled towards freedom as fast as we could. As soon as we got out, we got ushered to the car by Shika. Sure, we could've stayed to fight, but honestly? I don't think we have a chance against them. Not when they're ten and we're four. So we made a quick exit, like cowards, but cowards that'll live to see tomorrow.

Once we were sure they didn't follow us Kiba let out a cheer. "Whoo! We did it!" He yelled, fistpumping the air. I smirked along with Shikamaru. "Alright, let's just get back before things backfire." I said.

Shika sighed, "Troublesome." He complained half heartedly. I hit his shoulder, "Shut it, and for once show some excitement!" Before he could say anything, Gaara parked the car, "Shikamaru."

Shika nodded before exiting the car. He threw a wave over his shoulder before he entered his house. Gaara started the car again, and I sighed. "It's finally over!" I said, relief washing over me.

Silence washed over us as we just enjoyed the peace. I pondered about what was going to happen tomorrow. "Kiba." Gaara signalled as he parked. Kiba nodded and threw me a grin. "Good luck tomorrow. Don't worry Lil' Fairy, we're right behind you!" I smiled as thanks, nodding once.

As soon as Kiba was gone, I climbed into shotgun. The silence washed over us again, but this time it was more uncomfortable. "So-" I started but was ever so rudely interrupted. "Give me your phone."

I blinked. "Uh okay?" I handed him my phone, watching him drive one handed. He didn't even need to look at the road, that's some impressive skills. After he was done he handed me the phone again. I looked confused at him. "What did you do?"

He didn't answer for awhile, then without looking at me he said: "I want you to call me if something happens." I gaped a bit, as I looked at my contacts. There, right under Pops' number, his was on speed dial.

"Wha- I don't need protection!" I protested, not liking the fact that he ordered me around. Gaara growled at me. Seriously, he growled. "This is serious! The Akatsuki know and they are sure to target you now!" He yelled.

I gritted my teeth, "Fine! I'll call you if anything happens, happy?!" I yelled back. Gaara glared at me, "I mean it. Anything. If they as much as look at you, call me." He demanded. I glared right back at him. "Who the hell do you think you are?" I asked, he has no right to order me around like that!

"Your friend. And I protect my friends." He said, his tone not leaving any room for discussion. I glared at him for awhile, before he parked. It was just then I noticed we were in front of my house. "Get out." He said, tone sharp. I stormed away from the car angrily, slamming the car door. I was about to open the door, when he called out to me. Turning my head to him, I raised an eyebrow.

He leveled me with a stare. As always, I couldn't read him, it was as if he wanted me to understand him, but he was speaking ancient greek. Then he called out, "Number 7, I'm serious!" Before driving away. Number 7, that's the number his speed dial is on. I considered deleting his number, but something told me not to. In the end I decided just not to call him.

I briefly greeted Pops before scurrying to my room. As soon as I fell onto my bed, sleep overtook me. Lovely, heavenly sleep.


[1] The eagle one joke goes like this, (I'll make it as Naruto version)

Kiba: From now on we will be using codenames. You can adress me as eagle one

Shino, codename - been there, done that

Shikamaru is - currently doing that

Naruto is - it happened once in a dream

Hinata codename - if I had to pick another girl

And Fayette is

Eagle two

Fayette : Oh thank god

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