Oops, guess I didn't get the memo

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"Go, run! I'll take care of this, just run"

"No, what are you saying? I can't leave you!"

"Just go! I'll be fine, you need to be safe"

"B-but Ronin-"


I gasped as I woke. That dream, I thought it had stopped. I haven't had that dream in years. I don't want to be reminded. Not now.

Trying to shrug off the memory, I got up and went to the bathroom. I splashed some water in my face, willing myself to wake up.

"C'mon Fayette, you're better than this!" I gripped the sink. "Deep breaths, calm down" I kept chanting that until I was able to continue my day as normal. I dressed and got ready, and when I was walking downstairs for breakfast, I had almost forgot about the dream.

"Good Morning Fayette" I yawned as I sat down. "Mornin' Pops" Pops placed a plate with eggs in front of me. "Thanks" I dug in, not really in particular hurry to get to school, since well... it's school.

"What classes do you have today?" I glanced up at Pops. "Uh, hold on, let me think" Friday, friday, friday. What do I have? "Oh yeah, I remember. History, with Jiraiya. Geography, with Minato. Math, with Iruka. Free period"

Pops nodded. "I'll drive you to school today" I nearly choked on my eggs. "What! Why?" I stared at him, he just smiled his stupid closed-eye-smile. "We're having a father-daughter day today" I gaped. Like a fish (an awesome fish) "B-but, we haven't done that in ages. Last time I was a freakin' kid!" I waved my arm around for emphasis, totally not flinging egg on the table.

"Exactly, it's about time we have one again" I groaned, face-tabling. Cause this called for something bigger than a facepalm, and since I don't have a piano, and it would be stupid to go ALL the way to the wall, I face-tabled. Like a boss. Oh yeah I did go there.

"Fayette, pick your head off the table, you have egg in your hair now. Besides, it'll be fun~" You know that moment, when your parents decide you're doing something, that you really don't want to, and they're all like 'It'll be fun'? Yeah, then you can agree with me that it's never 'fun'!

I'm just gonna skip the rest of the breakfast and the ride to the school. I swear, my face was burning off when I exited the car. Everyone, and I mean everyone, was staring. It's not like Pops has a lame car, it's a silver Ford (don't ask brand, I might be badass but I'm still a girl), but seriously, getting a ride with you dad to school when you have your own, perfectly fine motorcycle is embarrassing.

Luckily, Kiba wasn't there to rub it in my face. I took it as a miracle and ignored the unwanted feeling in my stomach, cause I did not miss the mutt.

To outweigh my bad morning, Lady Luck decided to at least look my way and steered all fangirls away from my locker today. I silently thanked her and made my way towards history.

I sat down at my seat next Akira, Choji's girlfriend remember, I didn't know her when I sat with her the other day, (she was sick last time), so I hadn't spoken to her.

I dumped my stuff and offered her a 'yo', she just smiled at me. Before I could decide whether to be social or not, Jiraiya entered.

"Today class, we're starting on the Cold war" Groans filled the room, I kept silent because.. well, don't mention this or I'll murder your pet, but I actually find this subject interesting. Now shut up so I can listen.

I put my acting skills in use by pretending to zone out like usual, while in reality I was listening. Luckily I'm not the kind of person who needs notes. I'll remember what I do and graduate with that.

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