Why does the world hate me?

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When I got home, Pops kept bugging me about cheerleading. My mood was down at zero the rest of the day, and the next morning. You could practically see the stormy cloud floating around my head.

It didn't help that Kiba was teasing me all morning. He was waiting for me to arrive on my bike, smirking like usual.

"Hey little cheerleader captain" He slung his arm around me. I let out a growl. "Not in the mood Kiba" Of course he just laughed at me. Stupid mutt. Stupid Pops. Stupid Anko. Stupid everything. You could say I was pissed off.

"So Lil' Fairy, what got you in such a bad mood?" Kiba asked. I sneered a bit. Just a tiny bit.

"Pops kept bugging me about it last night, he was rubbing it off in my face" I sulked. Kiba just let out a few snickers.

"Hey I been wanting to ask you, why do you call him 'Pops'?" I rose an eyebrow at his random question. "Becaaaause, dad is too mainstream and father is too goody-two-shoes" I stated, like it was a fact everyone should know. Which it is.

He nodded. "Pops. Coco Pops" I anime fell. "One day I swear I'm gonna kill you" He grinned. "You've been saying that since say one, and you still haven't done it"

I smirked, "I'm waiting so I can surprise you" He just laughed, "Sure thing Lil' Fairy"


After school, I didn't feel like going home. All pops has been doing today is teasing me, I'm going to take a break.

Starting my bike, I decided to just drive until I found a place to be. After all, even though I live here, I haven't seen that much of the village. I've always wondered why I wasn't enrolled into Konoha High first instead of having to try all the other schools nearby.

After ten minutes of aimlessly driving, I found a park. Funny, cause Konoha has a park closer to the school. I've been there a few times, and it's normally packed with people. This one is smaller and there is almost no one here. The day is clear and sunny, and I'm sure the other park is filled with people.

I parked my bike outside the gate, an old gate with the words, 'Konoha Park' on. My guess is that this is the old park, but as Konoha grew, they needed a bigger park.

The gate squeaked when I pushed it open. I startet walking down the path, admiring the trees that surrounded me. After some meters, the trees stopped, showing an open field wih occasional Cherry Blossom trees. The only people there was an old couple, a woman with two kids and me. If there were others they were inside the forest on the other side of the field.

I started walking around the field, thinking. Today is Thursday, meaning that I've been in Konoha High for four days. Only four days, so much have happened, I feel like it's been months. I met a lot of new friends, beat up some bullies, got offered a place in three gangs, got threatened by one of said gangs, got a new annoying shadow-

"Akamaru!" A familiar voice called right before something white jumped on me. It was a small white thing, but it took me by surprise so I fell to the ground, being licked by the white fluffy thing. It was a dog. Not only a dog, Kiba's dog. Speak of the devil.

"Akamaru why did you run- Oh, hey Little Fairy, nice seeing you here" Kiba's scratched his neck, grinning sheepishly. I glared a bit at him before turning to the dog, which was still licking me.

I picked up the puppy, clearly noticing Kiba's worried look (geez I'm not gonna hurt the puppy), and looked at it. It was small and white, with brown ears. It looked at me, head tilted and tongue ot of its mouth, before it yipped at me. It was a cute puppy, but don't tell anyone I said that.

"Hey there buddy, are you out walking with Kiba, huh? Poor you having to hang out with Kiba all the time" I cooed at it while scratching its head.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!" Kiba yelled, though he had this soft look in his eyes. Which were brown. I've never really noticed before, they always look black, but in the sun I can see they're a deep chocolate brown color and- OH MY FUCKING GOD! I sound like freaking fangirl. Please, don't tell me their ew-iness has smitten me. I'M TOO YOUNG AND AWESOME TO DIE!!

"This is my dog, Akamaru. Normally I bring him to school but he has been sick these past few days. Idiot ate some chocolate, even though he knows dogs can't eat that stuff" The last part was more directed to the dog than to me.

I nodded. "Ino did say that you took your dog everywhere, and you brought him my first day I think" Kiba nodded, before sitting down next to me. We fell into comfortable silence while I petted Akamaru. Who knew Kiba could be so silent?

"Hey Little Fairy?" I just jinxed myself didn't I? I turned to him, not noticing how close we actually were sitting. My face was inches from his. Surprised I faltered back with a 'whoa'. Kiba just grinned at me, showing fangs and all. I wonder if he sharpens his teeth so he can be a vampire. Wait, doesn't vampire has the fangs closer to each other? So his teeth aren't fangs, they're canines... random.

"Uh yeah?" I raised an eyebrow in question. "What's he date of today?" He asked, slightly smirking. This can't end good. My inner super sense is screaming 'DANGER'. "February 13th, why?" I did a mental whoo, because today is not friday, it's Thursday,meaning it's not Friday 13th. Yay!

"So tomorrow is February 14th, right Little Fairy?" He said full on smirking now, before leaving quickly.

Horror is running through my veins. February 14th. "Valentines day" I whisper. "SHIT!"


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