Tension as thick as Lee's eyebrows

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Being slammed into a locker first thing in the morning, is not entirely pleasant. I recommend you at least wait for lunch. And yet, this was what happened as soon as I stepped into the school building. Have you ever been slammed into lockers? No? Well, I'll tell you this. It fucking hurts. The locks digs into your back and it's generally not nice. So why am I being slammed into the lockers? 

I don't fucking know. If you're going to be harassed like this, it's nice to at least know what you've done. Out of nowhere, this redheaded chick comes up to me, murder on her face, and I don't even know her. You'd think I slept with her boyfriend by the look on her face. 

"What've you done to Sasuke-kun?!" 


I sigh heavily, pushing back to get my feet back on the ground again. "Nothing! And I'm sick and tired of you crazy fangirls giving me shit everyday about him! So just drop it and leave me alone!" I snapped. 

The girl straightened, pushing up her glasses, and sneered down at me. "I'm not a fangirl. Sasuke-kun is upset, and I bet it's your fault!" She complained in a whiney tone, jutting out her hip and generally standing in a bitch-pose. 

"Duck-butt is always upset, if you haven't noticed. And if you're not a fangirl, what are you? His sister?" I crossed my own arms, leaning back against the lockers. I hope their owners doesn't need anything in there. 

"Of course not! I'm his friend." She hissed, looking smugly at me. I rose my eyebrow. "Really?" I drawled. "His friend? Funny, I've never met before. You'd think he'd hang around his 'friend'" I shrugged, as if I hadn't just poured a shit ton of sarcasm over her. "Who are you anyway?" 

Red seethed, clearly not pleased with my tone. Suits her right. Luckily, whatever she was going to say was interrupted by a random guy. 

"Oi, Karin! What'ya doing?" He yelled, apparently not so random after all. He must be her friend. 

"Shut up and mind your own business!" Red, or Karin, yelled. 

Hey, I know this guy! 

I observed him very carefully, taking in his white hair, and fang poking his lip. To be more exact, I was staring at him like a creep. On purpose of course.

"OH! I got it! You're that guy I bumped into that day. Uh- Sui-something fishy." I snapped my fingers, feeling very pleased. And Pops says I'm horrible at names and remembering. 

Sui-fishface twitched, making a tsk-noise, not unlike Sasuke. Just a little sassier. If that's possible. "It's Suigetsu." He scowled at me. I waved him off, "Whatever. Hey, are we done? I'd like to get the lock out of my ribcage before class. I think I'm going to have to call a surgeon or something, that thing is vicious." I'm not sure whether I meant the lock or Red. They're both vicious, although I think I'd prefer fighting Red. Better chances of survival there. 

As if on cue, the bell rang. Red, who was still gripping my jacket pretty tight, glances from me, to Sui-fish, to the clock and back again. In the end, she did let me go, huffing as if we were all beneath her. Well then, your bitchiness.

She didn't even say goodbye before she stormed off down the hallway. Sui-fish, who is now permanently dubbed that, shrugged at me, winked and went on his merry way. 

I sighed, guess I'm going to be late. Again. This time, it wasn't my fault. 

I got my stuff from my locker, my own locker with a not so vicious lock, and headed for class. Pops wasn't there yet, so that's that I guess, and I got my homework from my bag. Yes, surprise surprise, I did my homework. Well if your parent was your teacher too, then I'd dare you not to do your homework. They'll take it home, and it's just going to be nasty. Better stay on Pops' good side. Trust me. 

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