How high is your Emo-Factor?

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On the second day of Christmas, Fayette chose to wear~

A very offending sweater with a Santa and Jesus selfie picture. Because Jesus was secretly badass. 

That or he sucked. 

Great, now I got Twelve Days of Christmas stuck in my head. You know what that does to you. Therefore, I feel justified in my singing as I descended the stairs. 

"On the first day of Christmas, my drive-thru gave to me:~" 

I held out the note extra long as I swung myself at the bottom of the staircase. 

"A Big Bacon Classic with cheese!~" 

I bowed to my audience (Pops) and then sat down on my chair. 

"Goodmorning to you too, Fayette." Pops didn't even look up from his whatever he was reading. 

"There's more where that came from." I told him, mentally preparing for the next song. 

"I know," He sounded way more resigned than he's allowed to. "I've been living with your Christmas carols for sixteen years." 

I stuck out my tongue. "That's an exaggeration. I've only been singing for fourteen." 

"Eat your oatmeal and shut up." He grumbled. Jesus, who took a dump in his cheerios? 

I pouted and poured way more sugar and cinnamon on my breakfast than was necessary, but whatever. Pops was having a shitty morning apparently and that put a damper on my mood too. 

And the stupid song was still stuck in my head! 

Pops didn't cheer up, so the drive to school was spent in heavy silence. You know, that moody kind where you want to say something, anything, but you just don't know what? It was with guilty relief that I exited the car and said my goodbye to him. 

Don't get me wrong, I'd love more than anything to cheer him up myself, but sometimes when it comes to Pops, you just gotta step back and let him handle whatever it is he's got going on. It's years of practise that lets me distinguish between that and when he needs someone to take his mind off things. Pops got a lot of weight upon his shoulders, even if he doesn't say anything and acts like he hasn't got a care in the world. It's not just being a teacher either, but all I know is that it involves his seat in the council. Everything else is secret. 

"On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, NOTHING 'CAUSE HE'S FICTIONAL!"

"What are you talking about, I'm right here." 

I scowled. "Smooth." Kiba grinned, sarcasm going far above his head. Which should be impossible as I'm almost a head shorter than him, but whatever. 

"Nice sweater." He said, slinging his arm around my shoulders. Same old rutine. 

I stuck my tongue out. "Jealous?" I teased. I adore my sweater collection, but I am aware of how hideous they are. 

Kiba didn't take my joke like I thought he would. A frown marred his face and he muttered gloomily; "Yeah." 

A rush of worry washed over me, but before I could confront him, the goofy grin was back. "I know usually you're supposed to say that girls look good in anything, but there are limits, y'know." 

I swatted him, maybe a little harder than necessary. It's my way of expressing concern. "Shut up, I look amazing." I promised to myself that if Kiba continued to act weird, I'd look into it. 

"So Lil' Fairy, excited about the Secret Santa?" He asked as we entered class. I threw him an odd look, random. "Don't remind me, I have no idea what to do." I grumbled. Kiba grinned. "I'm afraid I can't help you if you don't tell me who it is." 

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