Am I on the naughty list?

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That day I woke up early. At first I wondered why. There were no noises or anything that would've caused me to wake up. Pops must still be sleeping, as the house was completely silent. It was bright however, so it's morning. 

Then I noticed why I was up. It was my snow-senses that awoke me. 

"It's snowing!" I exclaimed, hurrying to my window. Fat snowflakes were falling, covering everything in a thick layer of white. My back yard had been transformed into a winter wonderland overnight. 

"Snowday!" I yelled, a childish sense of glee washing over me. I love snow. 

I got dressed as fast as I could and ran downstairs. I was in a good mood today. 

At 6.30 I could hear Pops start to move around. I popped two pieces of toast in the toaster for him and smiled. I have so many great memories of snow days with Pops. I remember him taking me out sledging and ice skating. Every year we used to build a snowman, giving it a special trademark of some kind. Like that one year where we made it a ninja. We tied a bandana around its head and gave it a sword. That was fun. And after we played, we'd go inside and drink hot chocolate. 

I'm getting all nostalgic and it's not even seven yet, Jesus. Someone save me from the memories!

"You're up early." Pops commented when he entered the kitchen, already fully dressed. "Well, I guess it's not a big surprise after all. You always did wake up early when it would snow." He laughed. 

I shrugged. "So I like the snow, sue me." 

"You don't have any money, I pay for all your stuff." 

Flinching, I scowl. "Shut up old man!" He laughs again, more mocking this time. "Speaking of money, don't you think it's time you get a job of your own?" 

I scowl down at my coffee while Pops sits down to eat, taking the toast with a smile. "Whatever." I want a job, really. I'm just having some trouble getting one, and with all the things happening lately, work is the last thing on my mind. 

The rest of the morning passes normally and soon I'm sitting in Pops' car as he drives. Pops parks and I jump out of the car, calling my goodbyes without looking back. 

I spotted Kiba's form walking a few meters ahead of me. Scooping up some snow, I quickly form at and throws it with confident precision. It nails him in the back of his head and even from here I can hear his outburst. 

Angrily he turns around, zeroing in on my smug expression. I throw a wave that just crosses the barrier of flirty, smirking. 

An almost feral grin breaks out on Kiba's face as he yells out; "SNOWBALL FIGHT!" 

On the que everybody scrambles into movement. One half bends down to scoop up snow, the other runs towards the safety of school. 

I run to a makeshift fort of a bench, throwing randomly at people. Laughing, I made sure to aim for Kiba and Naruto in particular. There were others of my friends on the field, but those two were standing in the best angle for me to hit. It's only when the bell rings we break up to go to class. 

I make no hurry to get inside, instead taking time to brush snow out of my hair and clothes. I've only been hit a few times, but the cold is seeping into my bones and my fingers are long since numb. 

"That was fun." 

To my credit, I didn't jump. Kiba had sneaked behind me without me noticing, even with all the crunchy snow around. I look around. "Yeah, it was."

"C'mon Lil' Fairy, we're late and I have Iruka. He's gonna have my ass." Kiba winced, realizing that he might get detention. Wuss. 

Grabbing my wrist he starts tugging me along. "Alright, I'm coming! You don't have to drag me." 

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