A storm brewing.

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It was Saturday. When I woke up, I could already feel something was wrong. I could taste it in the air. When I think about it, I've known something was going to happen for a while now. These past few days have been the calm before the storm.

It was only nine PM, but that morning Naruto texted me. All he said was to meet him and the others at the school. Usually I would refuse going there on a weekend, but today I was too tense to say anything. I just got dressed and hurried out of the house, leaving a note for Pops for when he would wake.

At the school, everybody was crowding the front. Including Sasuke, who wasn't a part of the gangs, and three unknown people. I paid no heed to them, too focused on what they were staring at.

All over the main doors, the windows and the wall, red paint was splattered. Of course I knew it was paint, but at first glance, it looked a lot like blood. It was a very gory sight. And right on the big banner, sporting the Konoha leaf, a symbol was painted.


The characters for dusk. Yugure. Those bastards. They've been silent for so long, I almost forgot about them. But it seems they've been planning for something. But what's with this? Isn't their deal with Akatsuki? Then why are they targeting Konoha? Why are they targetting us?


Everyone was too stunned to say anything. I was the first one to snap out of it.

"Those bastards! To think they would do something like this! That's beyond low!" I raged, digging my nails into my palms so hard, they drew blood. I was angry. Beyond that, I was furious! At Yugure, at Akatsuki, and at myself.

Because, even though I'd never show it, I was scared. These guys. They were serious. They weren't just running around, playing. They killed. They would surely kill again. If we got involved with them, what would happen to us?

"Fayette, you know of them?" Gaara asked, because of my outburst.

I calmed down a bit. "Ah yes. Their business is with the Akatsuki though, so I don't know why they're attacking the school."

Shikamaru clicked his tongue. "To send a message. Whatever it is they want. It's not just about the Akatsuki anymore. It's the whole village. It's us too." 

"Oh right! Hoody did say they would take over Konoha! They were a miner gang at that time, but he said they were slowly expanding." I pondered, trying to recall the details of the day I first heard about Yugure.

"Oi Fay-chan, just how well do you know these people?" Naruto asked, pouting slightly, but otherwise looking completely serious.

I grimassed. "No, I don't know them. Back when I was in Akatsuki, I was assigned to confront them with Kisame and Itachi. There was a guy there, who bragged a bit about their gang, before the fight started. He was the only one to escape."

Gaara nodded. "Do you know anything else about them?" He asked.

I thought about it, where else have I seen them? Wait, the halloween party!

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