A shaky alliance

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"This can't continue." Kankuro declared. Murmurs of agreement was heard. Gaara next to me crossed his arms, huffing.

"What do you suggest we do?" Neji, fresh out of the hospital, asked. Nobody answered. We were all at a loss for what to do. Yugure had continued vandalizing around Konoha, even going so far as to injuring civilians. All in the gangs were desperate to defeat them, but the question is how.

"We can't beat them alone." Sai said, gaining questioning stares. I rose my eyebrow in his direction. What is he thinking?

"Sai, you don't mean..?" Naruto seemed to be the only one who got it, ironically enough.

"I'm afraid so. We might have to join forces with the Akatsuki."

The silence dragged on for a few minutes before Sasuke violently stood up, his chair scraping the ground as he rose. No one said a word as he stormed out of the room.

"Sasuke!" Sakura ran after him, as the only one to react.

"Naruto, we can't trust the Akatsuki, they're our enemy!" Choji spoke. Shikamaru shook his head, "Naruto and Sai are right. Yugure is a common enemy, it makes sense to defeat them together."

I curled my fists, not really wanting to be on the same side as them again, but wanting Yugure, and Hoodie, gone. What a dilemma.

"The drag of it all is how to consult them. I doubt they trust us more than we trust them." At Shikamaru's statement, I seemed to become the most interesting thing in the room, since everyone was staring.

"What? No! No way. Over my dead body!" I refused, they want me to go to Akatsuki, don't they? They must be out of their minds! Not a snowflake's chance in hell.

"Fay-chan, none of us are enthusiastic about this, but it's necessary, and you're the only one who can do this." Naruto inquired. I huffed. "That's bullshit. Aren't you some kind of unofficial leader? Why don't you do it?"

Naruto just tilted his head confused. "What are you talking about Fay-chan, there's no leader here." Cue a bunch of sweatdrops and eyerolls. I mean, the guy's sitting at the end of the table like a mafia boss, for Pete's sake!

"Fay-chan, you have to do this. We're counting on you." Great. Guilt-tripping. Real mature Naruto.

"Fine! Tomorrow at lunch. Are we done now?" I didn't wait for an answer, I just stormed out. I needed time to think.

*Timeskip to lunch, next day*

I curled my fists tighter, ignoring the nodd I got from Naruto. Jerk, I'm still mad at him. Huffing, I started marching towards the Akatsuki table. I felt like I was walking towards my execution.

As I neared the dreaded table, I got weird and weary stares from said gang. I just sucked in a breath and straightened my back. 

"You sure got a lot of guts, coming here." Konan, the girl, said, giving me a cold look. I ignored her, turning to Pein. 

"I have a proposal to make." I insisted. They all shared a look. Pein then turned back to me, raising an eyebrow. I sucked in another breath, preparing to drop the bomb. "The Rookies and Danger Lotus would like to suggest an alliance." I stated. 

You could hear a needle drop to the floor, I'm serious. No one said anything for what felt like forever. 

"An.. Alliance?" Zetsu, half-and-half guy questioned. I nodded. "As you probably know, since you always seem to know everything, creepy stalkers, Yugure has been causing chaos in Konoha. Our own attempt to fight them ended.. Yeah, not great. So we'd like to, y'know, join forces or whatever. Common enemy and all that." I rambled, trying to remember the speech I had been given. I forgot most of it. 

"Why should we trust you?" Sasori asked, expressionless as always. I crossed my arms. "Because Yugure's target is Konoha. All of Konoha, that includes both of us. And right now, none of us are strong enough to beat them alone. Together, however, we'd totally own their asses!" I sneered. 

"And your friends just sent you? Alone?" Hidan leered, mockingly. I scowled at him. "More like I was harassed into it, but yeah. So, you game or what?" I tapped my fingers on my arm in impatience. 

"I don't trust them." Sasori told his fellow members, totally ignoring me. What an asshole. 

"They don't really have much of a choice do they?" Kisame grinned. He's an asshole too. Shame, and I who thought you weren't so bad. Betrayed by a fish. 

"It could cut the expenses in half." I swear Kakuzu is grinning behind that mask/scarf thingy. Creepy cheap goat. 

"Very well," Finally it seems like we're going somewhere. Pain turned to me, "We'll agree to an alliance, let's set up a meeting as soon as possible." 

I nodded, and that was that. We had officially joined forces with the Akatsuki. We're really desperate, aren't we?


Aaaaaaaand I'm back from the dead! *cheers*

Fayette: Where the fuck have you been?

Yeah, sorry. It's just that I got really bored with this story, I didn't really feel like writing it. It might have something to do with the war I'm trying to write. Idk.

Fayette: Well then you should've just made up something else to entertain the readers.

I can't help that you're just boring. Anycow, I'm back, and I'm gonna fight through this and get to the 'good' stuff soon. Yay.

R&R, which is actually R&R&R. Read and Rate and Review :) 

BTW! Are you enjoying summer? I am. It started with being hot as hell, too hot. And now that I'm close to the beach and pool, the weather is shit. That's Denmark for you.

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