My big sob story, try not to cry bastards

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The weekend went by without anything interesting happening. I guess you can say I'm still a little bit shaken up about the whole 'Yugure' deal. I just don't like being involved in murder, I think most sane people understands that.

It became monday, like every week, and I had to go to school. School has become such a dreaded place after the Akatsuki. I have to avoid both them, the Rookies and co, Sasuke, fangirls, and basically every human being in this village.

I guess the day went by pretty normally. Naruto ignored me in english, Sasuke was antisocial in biology, Orechimaru flipped about the snake essay I was supposed to do and I almost made Iruka's vein pop. Like I said, pretty normal.

As I made my way towards chemistry, I mused over how to get out of Akatsuki's clutches. I hope that with this 'Yugure' crap, they'll be too busy to mess with me.

"Ugh, watch where you're going!" I glanced up at the guy I slammed into. He was a medium height, white haired dude with a water bottle in his hand and a fang poking his lip.

"Oh I'm sorry, your fishiness distracted me" I said sarcastically. He kinda looks fishy. Kinda.

His eyes narrowed. ''Tch, you're that girl everyone's so obsessed with" He scoffed.

I raised an eyebrow. "'Kay? I'll be on my way now weird fish-boy'' I slowly backed away as if he'd attack if I moved too quickly. Only to piss him off of course.

''My name's Suigetsu'' he said. I nodded. ''Super, not that I care, but good to know'' I said offhandedly.

He huffed and walked away. Weird guy. I shook it off and continued walking. So I entered chemistry, late because of Sui-whatshisfishface, and Asuma directed me to my seat.

I sat down next to Hinata who is my partner. She's become so shy towards me, not meeting my eyes and scared to even talk to me.

I sent her a smile, but didn't get any reaction other than a squeak. I sighed silently. I might, kind of, really miss Hinata, she was one of the few sane persons in our group.

We started doing chem stuff. Don't ask, it's all 'mix this', 'boil this', chemestry blah blah. As you can see, I don't really care. Okay that's a lie. I don't give a rat's ass about this. Urgh. I just don't get the point of this stuff, it's not like we're learning to make smokebombs or other useful things. Today we're wasting chemicals so we can see how they react to each other. Turns out- They turn pink! Magnificant right? Haha, thought so. But at least I know what to do if I ever need corrosive pink mush.

As soon as class ended, I stormed out of the room. I slammed all my books into my locker, homework be damned. As soon as I turned around though, I smacked into something hard. Something hard, warm and nice smelling. If you think wet dog mixed with cologne is nice.

I looked up into the frowning face of Kiba, damn that boy for being so tall. Okay, so he's not tall, but I still have to look up!

"We need to talk" He said, all business and no fun. I schooled my face into a hard mask. "I have nothing to say to you" I said, glaring at him, silently begging him to just go away!

"Yeah you do" I shook my head, walking around him. He grabbed my wrist, "No, we need to talk." He insisted. I didn't look him in the eyes, "Fuck off, I'll talk if I want to, and guess what? I don't" I tore loose from his grip.

"I don't care, I want an explanation!" I glared at him. "Leave me the fuck alone!" "STOP!" He yelled, angry now. I subconsciously stepped back. "Stop acting, stop running, stop lying, just stop!"

I looked down the hallway, which was empty, thank god I don't want anyone to see this. "I can't okay? I just can't, so fuck of and leave it!" I started running down the hall.

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