Weird gang rituals and crazy moms

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I had the most crazy nerves on when school started next day. The Shukaku was back in Gaara's hands, and theoretically everything should be fine. But knowing that humans are complicated, irrational beings, this won't be that easy.

I went to homeroom, sitting down next to Shika, who was sleeping. I for once let him be. I did force him to be out later than usual, so this is my way of paying him back. I'm so nice.

And so homeroom passed by, just like that. Well, no not just like that, but it was boring so I'll spare you the details.

I went to history, sitting down besides my neighbor, a silent boy with spiky orange locks. He never really talked, but he seemed nice enough, despite the rumours that he was bipolar and dangerous. I mean, he's big but he seems harmless.

I got poked in the back by Naruto. I turned around to face him, not sure if he had heard the news. "Psst Fay-chan. Meeting at my place after school!" He whisper yelled, not discreet at all, but somehow Jiraiya didn't hear him.

I rose my eyebrow. "And you expect me to know where you live because?" I asked, it's not like I'm a stalker, I don't know where everybody lives.

He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Hehe, sorry Fay-chan, you can just ride with me then!" He said, grinning. I nodded, "Sure, sure." I have to ask Pops to handle the bike then. No way I trust this town enough to let it be at the school at night. Someone might steal it or break something trying to steal it, forcing me to fix it. Which reminds me, I need to give it a check soon.

Class ended, and I walked with Naruto to lunch. He was vividly expressing his love for ramen, flailing his arms around like a moron. I snapped when I noticed he was drooling.

"OI! Kami, control yourself! Who rants about ramen anyway?! Were your parents psychic or something?" I asked, referring to his name. He rubbed his neck, grinning. "Ah sorry, I got carried away there. Do you mean my name? No I'm actually named after a book!" He said, smiling proudly.

I rose an eyebrow. "Who the fuck wrote a book about ramen?" I deadpanned. Naruto pouted, "No it's not- Y'know what, I'll show you later!" I shrugged. "Whatever."

"Oh we're here! Hurry before all the eatable food is taken!" He yelled, pulling me to the line. I sighed, but let him as I've kind of missed this. Don't tell anyone though! It's just this once!

After I payed for my food, I got pulled to our table, getting pushed into a free spot between Kankuro and Temari. I hunched my shoulders a bit, wondering if Kankuro still was mad.

Glancing up at him, (why are everybody so freaking tall?!), he smirked at me. "Just this once, I'll take back my words. You really are alright." He said, slapping my back with enough force to make a regular weaker person keeling over. I held my ground though, sending him a smile.

Lunch went by normally, everybody was chatting as if nothing happened and it was enough to make me want to grin till my cheeks hurt. I tried to restrain myself, but I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

** Timeskip because I can **

I walked out of the locker rooms, having changed out of my gym clothes. My hair was still damp from my shower, but I didn't really care. As long as I don't get sick.

Naruto was waiting outside, grinning when he saw me. Naruto's car was a black truck with orange design and a swirl mark at the hood of the car. Kiba and Sai sat in the backseat, bickering from the looks of it.

I took shotgun and Naruto got in the driver's seat, and off we go. I don't know how, but we ended up playing 20 questions. I swear, I'm friends with a bunch of ten year old girls.

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