•𝗔 𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀•

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Vince's POV, October 28th 1987

Touring was some tough shit, I enjoyed it but it was just long, I'm only moaning right now though I've been stuck on a plane for half an hour... that doesn't sound so bad and it wouldn't be if I wasn't getting pestered by Doc McGee about mindless shit.

Half an hour felt like fucking half a year.

The only thing stopping me from punching Doc and making him shut up was Nikki, he was watching me lose my mind with boredom with a smirk on his lips, I kept looking at him and each time I did his smirk got wider and wider, eventually I end up smirking back- Nikki nodded towards Doc who was next to me still talking and then began miming falling asleep seeing just how bored I actually was, I laughed softly and lifted my eyebrows briefly communicating to the bassist that I was indeed close to falling asleep from listening to Doc drone on and on.

I wanted to be next to Nikki and I would have been but Doc wanted to talk to me as soon as I got on the plane and I couldn't really say no to him, as much as I wanted to.

Nikki and I were together, and we'd been together now since April of '84, there had always been an attraction between us and one night we both got a little bit too high on cocaine and ended out fucking in the restroom of a club, we woke up the next morning in bed at my place trying to figure out why we did what we did, the only conclusion we drew was that we shared the same feelings for each other and from that moment on we've been together.

The world knows, we didn't bother to hide it from anyone, we never explicitly said it but we were pictured holding hands, kissing and what not, we didn't need to tell anyone, the press did it for us. We were worried about the negative effect it might have had on the band but in the end there was no need to worry, it didn't affect our rise to stardom, if anything it helped as much as the press tried to destroy that, they didn't.

Everything was fine for about a year, maybe a little longer but then Nikki started experimenting with all types of drugs, this didn't bother me because I knew we all did drugs but when I found out what he was experimenting with I didn't know what to say.

Nikki had started doing heroin around when we first got together but it was just once or twice every so many months if he was offered it by his dealer but then something happened and I'm not even sure what but it just began to get out of control, he started mixing cocaine and smack and started doing drugs like LSD, I'm all for having a good time and have done my own fair share of drugs but I draw the line at smack and hallucinogenic drugs, they're too dangerous, I'm happy with liquor and cocaine.

Nothing was ever strong enough though for Nikki, he always wanted the highest highs, damning the consequences of what it might do to him.

I worry about him because he's losing himself to drugs.

I've managed to stop him from taking LSD, I made him swear to me he'd never touch it again after I found him and one of his junkie friends standing on the roof of his house thinking that they were going to be jumping into water- I swear I've never freaked out as bad as I did when I thought Nikki was going to jump off that roof.

He couldn't swear to stay off heroin, in a way I was glad he said that because at least he was honest, but smack and cocaine had a similar effect to LSD, it wasn't as crazy but it was bad enough, it still scared the crap outta me but not just out of fear of Nikki's life but in fear of him.

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