•𝗗𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵•

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Vince's POV, 3rd January 1988

It was a new year... a new year which felt exactly like the old year. At least this year started better than last year did though, at least Nikki spent New Year's Eve with me this time around, last year he couldn't even be assed to do that.

We were at Tommy's on New Year's Eve and spent the night there, Mick was there too with his fiancé Emi, and Tom was obviously with Heather. We had a good time, drinks and laughs- the things you'd expect.

And so it wasn't unexpected when we spent the entirety of New Year's Day recovering from the worlds worst hangovers, yesterday wasn't as bad, we still felt a little shitty but eh, it was tolerable enough, Nik and I didn't do a lot at all yesterday we just had a quiet day watching TV and fucking.

And today? Well, I'd paid another visit to Tommy, he wanted to check in with me and see how Nikki was without actually talking to Nikki not trusting the bassist not to bullshit him, so I'd gone over to T-Bone's alone and been there from nine this morning, it now almost three in the afternoon.

Tommy also wanted me to check out his car while I was here, apparently it was being a bitch and seems as Tommy's useless when it came to cars he let me look at it. I'm no genius either but luckily I can do some basic mechanics which my dad taught me when I was a teenager, it comes in handy sometimes.

I was just now on my way home to Nikki, he was barley awake when I left for Tom's this morning so he was either still asleep or up watching TV, or shooting up... I hoped it wasn't that last one, but knew Nikki being left alone was a bad idea, there was nothing to stop the voice in his head telling him to shoot up and seems as I wasn't there god knows what drugs he'd mix in with the smack.

But I remained hopeful, yet every-time I seem to do that it always bites me in the ass, hope with Nikki on drugs is like ice melting in a freezer. Impossible.

The drive back home only took five or so minutes because it's common knowledge we don't live that far from one another- before I knew it then I was pulling into Nikki and I's driveway and climbing out of the car, I locked it up and placed the keys on my jacket pocket switching them out for the house keys, I walk up to the front door and place the key inside unlocking it and pushing open the door.

My first impression of the house was how nothing had been moved since I left, and Nikki was nowhere to be seen, I stopped walking once of stepped inside and listened to hear nothing.

"Nikki?" I called out as I closed the door not liking the silence. It was too quiet.

I got no answer so I decided to go and look for the bassist to check if he was okay, my eyes moved to look up the staircase and I swiftly made my way up onto the second floor so I tried to call out to Nikki again "Nik...? Baby... I'm back"

For the second time today I got silence, and now I got ever so slightly concerned, the bedroom door was closed which I found odd... I'd left it open as there was no need to me to close it when I'd left, my mind jumped to Nikki being with someone else for a split moment but I removed the thought from my mind as quickly as it enters my head knowing it wasn't a possibility.

If that wasn't a possibility then what was.

My feet carried me to the door and again, I hear nothing but silence so I raise my hand and knocked gently onto the wood before just deciding to go in, not properly assessing the possibility of what could be on the other side.

𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘆 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝗲 🤍Where stories live. Discover now