•𝗥𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁•

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A/N: This is kind of a filler- just thought I'd say, because every book needs at least two, but it's got some nice Vince and Nikki talking though so enjoy it regardless 😂❤️

Also, I there is a tiny bit of Axl Rose bashing here, and what I say about Axl in this chapter isn't entirely true so please don't come at me for it, I love Axl although he's a complete tool sometimes.

I just know him and Vince don't get on in real life and they didn't at this point so I'm just giving a valid reason as to why Vince dislikes Axl, I mean no offence to any GNR fans cause I like GNR too.

Anyway, enjoy


Vince's POV, December 30th 1987

Three days since the interview and things were alright, yeah, Nikki was still obviously up the ass of heroin and yeah, he still shot up a million times a day but I didn't find myself as pissed off with it as I had done before, what I said after we did that interview was true, it had made me even angrier with Nikki but then after I yelled at him and he said the shit he did... I've just become less and less irritated.

I was home alone at this current moment but I wasn't bothered like I usually was, Nikki went out last night to a party, and yes, I had been invited but I declined my invitation... basically the party was being thrown by Slash from Guns N' Roses and that's not the problem, I get along with Slash as well as the other guys the only one I don't get on with is Axl.

He's an ego driven prick, even more so than me, he's all bark and no bite, he acts like a tough guy but to me he's a pussy- we've always clashed and we've never got on. That and he's thrown a few homophobic comments while drunk at both me and Nikki, Nikki can somehow still be around him after that but I simply can't.

Not going was a mercy for him in a way, I want to spare the rest of the partygoers the pain of watching Axl and I scream at one another besides, I didn't want to humiliate Axl by kicking his ass at his friends party.

Nikki went to catch up with Slash, and he told me even before he left he'd be out all night and shooting up with the guitarist, I appreciated the honesty instead of him sneaking off, I'm happy he's admitted what he's doing aloud now.

I don't want to say things are better than they were because there isn't that much of a difference but at least we're communicating more and that's good enough for me at this point in time.

Things were fine being here on my own, I had a half empty bottle of Tequila laying around that I'd finished off so, things weren't all bad staying here.

And yes, I was just drinking for the sake of it, should I have been doing that? No, I shouldn't but I have to at this point.

Ugh, fuck, I'm sat worrying over Nikki's addiction when I need to start looking at my own because it's getting a little concerning now.

Never mind, that's not important.

It was getting towards 7am, I'd ended out falling asleep on the couch after drifting off while watching some film I can't remember the name of last night, I'd woken up probably about an hour ago- just under actually and now I was wondering what time Nikki would show up at. If he wasn't back by 9am then I'll ring Slash's house and see what's up.

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