•𝗗𝗿𝘂𝗴𝘀 𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗞𝗶𝗹𝗹•

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Vince's POV, 3rd November 1987

It was a show night, our show in Alabama to be exact, tomorrow night we head to Georgia, we set off at about 11am tomorrow to make it there by mid afternoon, it should be fun.

This show was priority at this moment though and I needed to find Nikki, we were due on in fifteen minutes- I saw him earlier chatting to one of the roadies but then lost sight of him when Doc came and spoke to me about keeping away from the audience as much as possible and not to get within reaching distance- but I knew that, I wasn't stupid.

Once I escaped the claws of Doc I asked Tommy if he'd seen Nikki who informed me he'd seen him going back to the dressing rooms- so that's the direction I went in.

I didn't bother to check them all, I just went straight to the one Nikki and I had used not half an hour ago to get changed in- I wasn't sure what I was expecting when I walked in but I wasn't at all surprised by what I found.

Nikki pulling a needle out of his arm.

The bassist then threw the needle onto the table infront of him, looking up at that moment to see me stood in the doorway, he looked mildly surprised to see me there so I gave him an explanation "I er-... I came to get you... we're on in a bit, came to make sure you were okay"

"I'm fine" he states simply not taking his eyes off me.

I nodded and pointed back towards the way I came in "Do you want me to leave...? I didn't mean to disturb you"

"No... no it's okay, you can come in" he assures as I let the door go and allow it to close behind me "I'm sorry"

I raise an eyebrow at him taken back by his apology and shrug "S'okay"

"No... it's... it's not... I know you don't like me taking it on a show night"

Or any night for that matter, but at least he knows that- I worry about him when he's high on stage, I'm just worried the drugs plus the adrenaline of a show high cause him a heart attack or something- it's silly when I say it aloud but it must put some strain on his heart... it's my natural instinct to worry.

"If you know then why do this Nikki?" I sigh as I walk over to him and sit myself next to him cringing as I looked at the empty needle on the table.

"I don't know" he murmured, I knew he was lying when he said that- he knew why he was doing this but he just didn't want to tell me for whatever reason.

I wasn't going to push it.

My eyes focus on him as I settled on the couch taking in his appearance, he'd definitely seen better days... "Babe, you don't look too good..."

"Don't I?... I feel fine"

"Yeah, well you look sick" I say sitting up and stuff closer to the bassist.

"I'm not, I'll be alright"

"Are you gonna be okay to perform?" I asked softly running a hand through his hair because he really didn't look right to me, maybe it was the lighting in here but he did look real shitty.

𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘆 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝗲 🤍Where stories live. Discover now