•𝗡𝗼𝘁-𝗦𝗼 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗔𝗻𝘀𝘄𝗲𝗿𝘀•

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Vince's POV, 27th December 1987

Hey... so, it's been just over a week since we got back off tour, a week since Nikki instantly broke his promise to me, I was pissed and I hadn't even bothered to try and hide that from Nikki, he hurt me, he needs to know that.

Christmas had been awkward, Nikki was trying to make it up to me but he couldn't, he didn't even want to try and spend an evening with me- all I wanted the first night of getting home was to just spend time with him but he once again chose his junkie friends and I was getting sick of it.

Nikki was trying everything to get me to talk to him ever since he came back at lunchtime the next day after he ditched me, I had done what I say I'd do and I drank a shit load of alcohol, so when Nikki came back I was pretty hungover but it didn't stop me from yelling at him for leaving me again.

Nikki didn't argue back, he just accepted it because he knew there wasn't any excuse, when I asked him if he even meant the promise he made me he couldn't even answer me, so I just walked away from him and shut myself in the bedroom and said that he can do what the fuck ever he wants to do.

We've hardly spoken to each other all week, Nik's tactics of making it up to me always involved sex so he'd tried to get me to sleep with him, I refused him and continue to do so, done with being payed off with half assed make up sex because we both knew he'd ditch me again, what was the point?

We still gave one another Christmas presents and we went over to my parents house on Christmas Day, my mom instantly sensed something was up with Nikki and I and dragged me into the kitchen and forced me to tell her what was up.

I did and I cried more than I'd have liked to have but I couldn't stop myself... I was losing Nikki and there's nothing I can do.

My mom gave me advice but she really wasn't sure what to do either... I felt so hopeless, so useless... Nikki was sick but he's not even trying to get better and Nikki is the most stubborn motherfucker I've ever known, he doesn't do shit he doesn't wanna do.

The train wreck of Christmas aside, today we had an interview with some dude named Evan, he was from MTV and was talking to Nikki and I about the tour and also covering our relationship which should be fun.

What the fuck am I meant to say? My boyfriend is a junkie and is so far up the ass of heroin I'm basically just a live in booty call? Like nah, man- we're gonna have to lie our way through most of it and that destroys me.

The interview was due to start any minute now, Nikki and I were sat on couch, waiting for Evan to come over and begin the questions, Nikki kept glancing at me but I didn't look at him.

"Vince... look at me, man"

"No, you fucking lost that privilege" I grumble.

"I'm sorry" the bassist sighed quietly but I didn't do anything to even indicate I'd heard him, I simply fixed my eyes on Evan praying for him to come over and start this shit so I can just get home.

Thankfully, a few seconds later he did exactly that and he sat down in a chair about two feet from where Nik and I were sat, the camera men then took their places and we got given a countdown before the cameras began rolling- both Nikki and I pulled out our best fake smiles and I tried my best to act like I wanted Nikki to be sat next to me when in reality I wanted him the other side of the studio.

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