•𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗧𝗼 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗲•

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Nikki's POV, 18th November 1987

So, life hasn't changed all that much over the last couple of weeks- the shows we've done have been good, we've played Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina and now we're back in Alabama, a different part of Alabama than before- we've actually played a few different places in Alabama over the last pretty much two weeks, we'd been back here numerous times- we'd played Mobile, Huntsville and now Birmingham tonight- it was a pain to go backwards and forwards to the same state but it's just how the show schedules are.

It's the best Doc could do.

It's not just Alabama though, we've been to Georgia twice and we're back in Georgia again in practically a few hours to play Atlanta, as irritating as it was it was part of the job.

We were backstage once again having just completed a show, Vince was talking and laughing with Tommy about ten feet from me, I wanted to take him out somewhere, like to a nice restaurant or something or go for a walk together but I'm meeting up with Andy and some of his friends later on, he's driving over here to meet me, he's actually becoming a friend of mine which I didn't expect, as long as you stay on his good side as Tony said he's pretty chill.

And I don't need you to preach me on having better friends, I know, I know, but while I'm still a junkie I need to surround myself with these kinds of people, it makes scoring gear easier and it makes me feel ever so less guilty about what I'm doing. That's not a positive but still, I'm counting it as one for the sake of my conscience.

As I watched Vince with solemn eyes I felt someone tap my shoulder, I looked over and saw Mick, I sent him a raised eyebrow and he just nodded towards Vince "Instead of staring at him why don't you just go over and take him somewhere, I know you want too, do it because he could do with it, so could you"

"I can't"

"Why not?" Mick challenges but I don't wanna tell him, I know the preaching that will follow and I don't need telling what I'm doing is wrong- all I do is look at Mick with a death stare, starting to walk away towards my dressing room but Mick walks after me "Oh, no- you're not giving me the stroppy teenager act, Sixx. Answer my question, why won't you just spend time with your boyfriend for once?"

"It's not your problem" I say sharply opening the door to my dressing soon and entering, Mick didn't give me the chance to close the door behind me he just walked straight in a second after myself.

"We're in the same band, and you're my friend so yes, it's my problem. I'm fed up of seeing Vince be miserable, he's not happy Nikki, see that and change it... you're stronger than the drugs, just fight, fight for him because you're not right now and it's affecting both of you- listen to me Nik, you know you can do it, you're hurting everyone by doing this, especially Vince, just start putting him first... it's not gonna be easy but you gotta do it"

I rolled my eyes making eyes contact with the older man "I know what you're doing Mars. You're trying to get through to the junkie- well, I don't wanna hear it because I already know what I'm doing and who I'm hurting"

"And you don't care that every-time you shove a needle in your arm your arm you're tearing Vince apart? Do you not care about what watching you do this to yourself is doing to him? He's scared Nikki, he's scared of losing you- that motherfucker loves you"

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