•𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗬𝗼𝘂•

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A/N: Light smut in this at some point, it's nothing overly graphic but it's definitely enough to need a warning.

Also, they look so damn high in that picture because they probably were 🤣


Vince's POV, 8th February 1988

It's been over two weeks now, the four of us were fine, Nikki was totally over his withdrawals and we'd had a couple more therapy sessions since the first one and they certainly went better than the first one.

We all have group and then one on one therapy, Nikki has special permission to have me in his one on one sessions because he freaks out if I'm not with him, reliving his past is something he's not used to doing, and seems as I'm one of the only people to know the extent of what he went though as a kid he felt safe having me there.

We'd had a group therapy session earlier today and then we've just been doing nothing really, we all hung out a little a couple of hours ago before all heading back to our rooms- I'd been sat trying to think of chords and stuff for the songs Nikki's been writing, but we were still working on 'Dr Feelgood' a lot, we were struggling with the verses for this song - we had a chorus now and a melody for the chorus but the verses were fucking us over.

I'd been sat trying to think of some lyrics to help Nikki out but nothing I came up with sounded right, maybe it's because my mind won't leave Nikki, I can't stop thinking about Nikki.

I'm always thinking of him in one way or another but I'm kind of a horny mess at the moment, I don't think that helps.

Nikki and I have been mostly sticking to the rule Nik set down of less PDA, it was getting kinda difficult now but I knew why it was in place.

A further few minutes pass and I'm very slowly losing the will to live, I'm not getting any ideas, I'm literally just sat drumming my pen onto the desk between my fingers leaning back in my chair just losing my mind with boredom and thinking of Nikki.

Then there was a knock at the door, I stopped drumming my pen and dropped it to the desk, in a state of confusion I stood up and went over to the door not really knowing what to expect, if it were a doctor they'd have come straight in or announced themselves when they knocked.

It had to be one of the other guys.

And yeah, I was right... but it was Nikki, and I wasn't expecting it to be him, at all.

I look at Nikki and he looked at me with a small smile on his lips, it was almost mischievous "Hello"

"Hey...?" I wonder slowly wanting an explanation.

"I've got room service for Vince Neil?" He grinned and that made me smile too.

"Er, yeah... about that, I don't remember ordering anything" I laughed with a raised eyebrow. I was more than glad to see the bassist, I always was, Nikki always made me smile.

"Really? Cause I could have sworn you ordered a piece of me"

I smirked at the corny joke knowing now exactly why Nikki's here, it didn't take a genius to work it out I wasn't about to turn him away either, it's been a good week and a bit since we last fucked so I played along with him, fuck the PDA rule, this is why I couldn't stop thinking about Nikki after all, I wanted him to fuck me "Really? Hmm... actually now that you mention it I do kinda remember... but maybe you could help re-kindle my memory a little more?"

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