•𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗩𝗶𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗼𝗿•

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Vince's POV, 18th November 1987

I was alone in Nikki and I's hotel room, Nikki hadn't even come back to the hotel with me, he'd left straight from the arena after we'd finished fucking to go meet with Andy and his sketchy friends.

A massive part of me kind of wanted to go with Nikki to meet up with Andy, not because I wanted to watch him shoot up god knows what drugs but because I'm that desperate for him to spend time with me and then at least I know he's okay.

I probably sound like a clingy fuck, but on average Nikki spends probably one or maybe two nights a week with me if I'm really lucky, it used to be every night and sure- it probably isn't that big of a deal, but this isn't normal, well, nothing about Nikki and I's relationship is normal really but still, he shouldn't be choosing drugs over me- I don't want him to do it anymore, is that so unreasonable?

Apparently yes.

It has been a few hours now since I got back here and I've just been watching the TV, Nikki said not to wait up for him but I will.

I'm realizing I'm such a pushover when it came to Nik because of how much I loved him, I should properly stand up to him and argue with him but if I did that he'd push me away even more than he does now, he hates being challenged because he knows he's in the wrong.

One of the most heated arguments we've ever had happened at the beginning of the year, it was a full on screaming match probably scary to watch, actually- Nikki and I are both very good at arguing and we both get pretty scary when we get angry, nobody wants to mess with either of us because of our tempers, so can you imagine when we argue with one another? Yeah, it's a sight to behold.

What had happened was Nikki had come back trashed out of his mind and I was pretty drunk myself from drinking my anxiety away- he came into the house and I was sat on the couch and immediately I snapped at him for being late, he shrugged me off like usual and told me not to worry so much but that for some reason that day made me completely snap, I began yelling at him about being selfish and not thinking about me and he yelled back about how I couldn't stop him and all that crap.

I was so close to hitting him but I didn't, but there have been times since then we've got physical with one another but that's a story for another day.

The argument ended with me literally leaving, I hopped into my car and drove around for a bit, parking up a few blocks away and just cooling off- I didn't drive too far because I was intoxicated and I'd learnt from my mistakes in 1984.

I left for about an hour but then went back, Nikki was a mess when I went back, because I'd left in the middle of the argument without a word, it frightened him- he was crying on the couch where I'd been sat waiting for him, he looked rather surprised I'd come back but of course I went back for him.

For the full effect, you'd had to have been there really... but take my word for it. It wasn't pretty. I didn't ever want a repeat of that night or nights similar, if this carries on though I might not have a choice.

In other news, Tommy had since apologised about the entire me cheating on Nikki thing the other week and said it was completely wrong of him- I forgave him, I knew he didn't mean it. He'd had a little too much to drink as had I really but yeah, it was just a misunderstanding.

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