•𝗛𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝘄𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗛𝗼𝗺𝗲•

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Vince's POV, December 19th 1987

Just over a month has passed now and it's been a decent enough month, I'm still pulling my hair out over stressing over Nikki but apart from that everything was fine, no, Nikki wasn't living up to his promise right now but we weren't quite home yet but we would be shortly because last night we played the last night of the tour for this year, we'd celebrated by getting trashed last night, it was fun, we woke up literally only like three hours ago- it was almost quarter to four in the afternoon so yeah, we all had definitely slept off most of our hangovers.

Nikki was acting kinda odd today though, maybe it was the hangover aftermath but it like he was dreading heading back home... why, I wasn't sure and I didn't dare bring it up because he wouldn't tell me anyway, trying to get things out of Nikki when I'm the middle of an addiction was like pulling teeth.

We were heading back home after our final show in California last night, we thought we might as well have finished in California it was easier that way- we didn't have to go through a long flight home just a few minutes drive.

The drive wasn't too long it was only extended a little because Doc was dropping us all back to our houses- luckily we were being dropped after Mick seems as Mick's house was the closest from the direction we were coming from with Nikki and I's being second.

The car journey was decent enough, Tommy was being an annoying bastard but that's nothing new. He was going on at Nikki and I about how cute we were seems as we were cuddled up to each other for the entire time.

"How are you two so cute? It's honestly concerning"

I smiled from where my head was resting on Nikki's shoulder and just shrugged taking my head off Nikki briefly to connect our lips together, Nik kissed me back gently but he seemed ever so slightly hesitant, like he didn't think he deserved it but I pushed it to the side and just enjoyed the moment.

"Ugh, can you two get a room? I don't want to see that shit" Mick grumbles in disapproval.

I pulled away from Nikki and gave the guitarist a look "Don't look then"

"It's kinda hard when you're sat in my eye-line- it's an image I'd rather not have in my mind this early in the afternoon"

I rolled my eyes "You've walked in on worse"

"I know, I just don't want to add to the list of scarring mental imagery- if I see anymore of you two then my every waking moment will be remembering you kissing, cuddling or fucking, none of which are welcome in my head for that length of time" Mick explained with slight disdain in his voice.

"Oh, leave them alone Mars" Tommy spoke up coming to Tommy and I's aid "They're no worse than you and Emi"

Mick glared daggers at Tom, pointing a finger at the drummer threateningly "Bring me and Emi up again drummer and you won't have any hands left to drum and although you somehow manage to come up with new innovative ways to play I doubt that even you could drum with your feet, so if you still want your career, keep your mouth closed"

Tommy's eyes widened and he shoved his hands into his lap, shutting up instantly making me and even Nikki laugh, Mick even had a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips because of course he wasn't serious, he wasn't serious about anything he'd said, it's just Mick being Mick.

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