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A/N: Another filler, it was never meant to be but kinda ended out as one 😂


Nikki's POV, 3rd May 1988

Vince was out, he'd gone to Tommy's and I didn't go... I couldn't go, I'd need to shoot up and I don't need Tommy and Vince on my ass about it, so I'd decided to stay here and get high, but I've gone a little overboard, now hearing and seeing things, so much so that I was just sat in Vince and I's bedroom with all the curtains and the door closed, making sure nothing could see me.

I think I'd been here for hours now but I wasn't sure, I was so high time wasn't a thing for me anymore, all I care about is getting rid of the voices.

I sat on the bed for what felt like forever until, I hear the front door open, and then close and a voice call out "Nikki?"

What? Who...? Who's here? It didn't sound like Deana but why did my brain immediately assume it was her? So why then did I feel the need to collect the gun from my bedside table and hold it in lap, having it ready to use at any moment.

A part of me knew this wasn't going to end well... but I'm too high to even question it.

"Nik...? Baby... I'm back" the voice called again which just confused me further... why am I so convinced it's Deana... she never calls me Nik or Nikki... but again, I'm in no state to question it.

I'm not having her near me, I don't care what it takes to rid her from my life, even if that means I have to use this gun.

I hear footsteps move from downstairs up the staircase and slowly towards the room, my heart picked up in pace and my eyes focus on the door ready for anyone who enters the room.

A knock sounded onto the wood of the bedroom door a few seconds later and my hand gripped the gun still keeping it concealed in my lap. I then heard the door handle move and the door be slowly pushed open, illuminating the room a little more.

The person who entered the room was unclear to me, again, my brain jumped to it being Deana... but something about that didn't sit with me... everything was distorted but I just didn't question any of this.

I stare at what I believe to be Deana and after a while she speaks up "I've been looking for you, you alright, babe? Ya had me worried for a second. What you doing up here, it's the middle of the afternoon, why have you shut the curtains?"

The words didn't make sense, they were washed out and it didn't sound like something my mom would say, but I just wouldn't accept that it was anyone else.

I didn't answer I just stayed completely quiet with my eyes following Deana's every move as she made her way around the room to a few feet from me- this was when I spoke up "Get back, don't you dare come anywhere near me"

She looked over at me and said in a strangely careful tone "I'm just gonna open the curtains, okay? It's like a vampire lives in here- I'm not going to do anything else, alright?"

No, I don't trust that. Not for a second.

I raise my hand which is still holding the loaded gun and I hold it up "I told you not to come near me, and I mean it... I'm not fucking around here, you're not gonna try anything to hurt me, you try it and I'll kill you" I spat.

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