•𝗚𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗽 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗽𝘆•

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Vince's POV, February 3rd 1988

We'd been here a few days under two weeks now and Nikki was over the worst part of his withdrawals, he still had the odd headache but he wasn't vomiting anymore.

Today was our first group therapy session because we all have no gotten over the shittiest part of rehab, now it was to face our emotional problems and to get to the bottom of why we're here in the first place.

I'd gone to collect Nikki for the session and he was less than enthusiastic about going, he was understandably nervous, as was I but this needed to be done if we wanted to recover properly.

Upon getting to Nikki's room I knocked onto the door "Nikki?"

"Yeah?" I hear him call back.

"You gotta get out here"

"Do I have too?" He groans and I chuckled, leaning myself against the wall.

"Yeah, baby- you do"

"Fine, gimme a minute"

I rolled my eyes softly and pulled down the handle, pushing the door with my foot, opening it looking into the room to see Nikki brushing his hair and checking over his roots in the mirror hanging on the wall.

A part of me wanted to take the piss out of him for it but I did the exact same thing earlier, my roots weren't bad enough yet that they bothered me, sometimes they do and other times they don't, I let myself go pretty brunette about a year and a half ago but right now I wasn't feeling my natural colour, neither was Nikki apparently.

"You look sexy" I spoke causing Nikki to cast his eyes in my direction.

"Sure... yeah course" he smiled sarcastically placing the brush back onto the table "Let's not talk about it"

"How about talking about you moving your ass out here and getting to where we're supposed to be"

Nik looked over at me with his smile from a second ago becoming a little forced "I will, I really don't wanna do this, Vinnie... I ain't even fucking around, I'm really anxious, I don't do in depth self reflection, I don't want to say why I'm an addict, cause it's stupid"

I frown a little "It won't be stupid, it obviously isn't stupid to you... it'll be fine, I ain't up for saying anything either but we have too if we want this to work... it's only Tom and Mick anyways, they're our family"

"The therapists aren't"

"It's their job to listen, they've heard all kinds of stories, no doubt ones worse than ours"

"Still doesn't make it easier" Nikki sighed and I simply went over and hugged him, he returned it thankfully "I know I gotta do it, I just hate revealing weaknesses and admitting how badly I fucked everything you know I'm not good at being vulnerable"

"I know, but you have to be if you wanna kick this, you can do this" I mutter, slowly releasing the bassist, placing a hand under his chin "We better go, people are gonna come looking for us if we're late... don't stress, Nik... no matter what you say, I'll still love you"

𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘆 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝗲 🤍Where stories live. Discover now