•𝗛𝘂𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗟𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗛𝗲𝗹𝗹•

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Vince's POV, 4th November 1987

So, we were in Georgia - we'd arrived here this afternoon and played the show which was pretty chilled, the audience were amazing like usual- I'll never ever get tired of my job- it's hands down the best job in the world.

After we got off stage I spent a little time with Nikki, we all went straight back to our hotel rooms and I had about an hour and a half with him until he had to go and meet this dealer, I was nervous about it in a way because this Andy sounded dangerous and Nik's usual dealer Tony was sketchy too.

I knew he'd be okay but I couldn't help but think about the other outcomes, that's why about five or so minutes after Nikki left I decided I couldn't take being alone with my thoughts and decided to go pay Tommy a visit.

I hated Nikki's addiction, I hated it for making me live in a state of constant worry, I hated that it gave me a reason to drink, I hated what it was doing to Nikki and our relationship.

It should be thankful it's not a person or I'd have beaten it within an inch of it's life by now for putting me through this.

Tommy was only a few doors down from Nikki and I's room, I got to the door and knocked before waiting for the drummer to answer- he did after a few seconds and he was fairly surprised to see me stood there "Vinnie?"

"Yeah, sup bro? Can I hang with you for a while?"

Tommy nodded slowly and moved aside allowing me into his room, the door then closes and Tommy ran over to his bed and jumped onto it laying himself down looking at me "Where's Nikki?"

"He's gone out... to meet with a guy who can supply him" I mumbled.

"... I'm sorry dude" Tommy says looking at me sympathetically.

I shrugged and ran a hand through my hair "Yeah, well ain't nothing I can do, I just do as he asks now, I'm getting fed up of trying to get though to him"

"You can't give up on him, Vin"

"I'm not" I sighed "I just wish he'd stop doing this, I'm meant to be the person he can go to with his problems yet he just trades me out for a drug... I feel so useless Tommy, he doesn't listen to me.... I love him but sometimes I feel like he doesn't love me anymore"

Tommy sighed and patted the bed next to him, I sat like he wanted me too and he instantly started talking to me "Vin, he does love you... you know he does... he's an addict, he's just fucked up... he's never known how to handle his feelings especially his feelings for you... he handles them by not handing them, that's just Nikki... he's sick, Vince... he's sick and you need to help him... I know it hurts when he chooses drugs but that's his illness... if you left him it'd kill him"

"I know that... I'd never leave him. I promised him and I'm not breaking that, ever. But I wanna get through to him, I let him do what he wants in hopes he'll stop pulling away from me but it doesn't work and I'm lost bro, I dunno what to do- he's sick yeah, but I can't help the fact him rather wanting to be with heroin over me rips my heart out... it pisses me off"

"It pisses me off too man, he's an asshole but we do forget sometimes he's just sick, I mean, I sat here giving you advice because it's the right thing to say but I've been wanting to bash Sixx's head in for months for ditching everyone for smack too... I'm as pissed as you, but hey, I was thinking you know that club we drove past in our way here?"

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