•𝗪𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗬𝗼𝘂?•

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A/N: This is kind of a filler but let's see what you think of it ❤️


Vince's POV, 4th November 1987

It's been about thirty minutes since we arrived at the club, not a lot happened, I've just drank three Tequilas, one whiskey and now Tommy's gone to get me and him a beer- Mick is still here but got very quickly irritated by Tommy's constant yapping so left to go sit at the bar, he'd been there for twenty minutes now and I was sat on my own waiting for Tommy to come back.

I'd only been alone for literal seconds before I was joined by someone, because of course I was, I can't get five minutes to myself- you never do in my line of work, it was a man who was stood next to me, not Tommy- he was nobody I knew... but he knew me.

"Vince Neil?" He said with a wide smile.

"Who's asking?" I wonder as I watch the man cautiously.

"Jamie, Jamie Lambert... I just saw you sat here all alone and thought you could do with some company" Er-... okay...? That's random but thanks I guess...?

"Oh, er-... thanks for thinking about that but I'm okay, I'm here with Tommy and Mick... they'll be back soon"

"Well, can't I keep you company until they get here? And where's Nikki then, it seems a little strange that you'd all be out and he wouldn't"

I shrugged not wanting to let onto any issues with Nikki and his drug problem- it's not really publicly known right now, people speculate but nobody knows just how bad his addiction actually is "He's busy"

"Busy? Fair enough... so you need someone to keep you busy for tonight, am I right?"

What? Is he-... is he hitting on me? Fuck, of course he's hitting on me. Okay, abort mission, Vince- abort now.

I laughed at this guy and shook my head "Nah, man... I'm fine, but thanks for the offer"

"Don't be like that, we can have some fun... don't you want that?" Jamie said suggestively while placing himself in the booth sitting only about a foot away from me.

"You're getting the wrong idea here... I'm not interested, seriously" I insist firmly but be wasn't listening to me.

"Did you play hard to get when Nikki first hit on you? Damn, you're lucky I think you're hot" Jamie said shuffling closer to me.

"I get that a lot from people actually" I said back dryly moving myself away from him as far as I could "And the answer is always thanks but no thanks"

Jamie looked rather disheartened by my rejection it didn't shut him up if anything it fuelled him to continue "I'm offering you free sex, why won't you sleep with me, dude?"

"The question is why would I sleep with you, I'm not for one night stands anymore, why would I have meaningless sex when I can fuck someone who loves me?"

"Fun?" The man offers.

"I've had my fun so if you're looking to score go somewhere else, you're not getting anything from me" by now I was just getting annoyed, can't he take a hint? Hell, I'm giving him more than hints, I'm telling him no- why won't he respect that? People honestly.

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