•𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝗢𝗳 𝗥𝗲𝗵𝗮𝗯•

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Nikki's POV, January 24th 1988

We were all in rehab, we'd got here the day before last after Doc had arranged our almost three month stay- this was what I'd asked for and was happy that Doc was able to book us into this place within a few weeks of asking.

Doc was surprised as hell when we went to him saying we all wanted to get to rehab ASAP but he didn't complain, he just did as we told him too.

It had been hell for me, the withdrawals hit me full force yesterday, woke up at seven AM yesterday morning and began projectile vomiting, yeah, I've been throwing up like there's no tomorrow, I'm either freezing cold or boiling hot, I'm shaking constantly- I'm literally getting my ass kicked by these withdrawals.

I guess that that's just the hardships of rehab.

It was gonna be worth it... I knew that... but I do think that this would end if I could just have one needle... one needle, just one to end this agony.

But I can't. I can't. I can't risk Vince again, he's one of the only good things I have, he's one of the three people who actually loves me, I can't risk hurting him.

I've been in this room since I got here, I haven't left it, I was that ill yesterday I couldn't move, I was glued to the bathroom, Vince had saw me yesterday but not much was said due to the fact I couldn't complete a sentence without being sick.

Vince wasn't sure what to do, he seemed a little frightened watching me go through this but I told him that I had too, there was nothing he could help with.

He was only with me for about an hour and a half though yesterday as a nurse then removed him from the room, I didn't want him to go but I wasn't in the mood to argue with anyone.

At this moment, it was about 3pm now or something close to that, I wasn't sure, I was too scrambled to think about the time. I just felt awful, I had a killer migraine, I was just sat on the edge of the bed trying to distract myself from the pain and nausea.

I was probably sat for a further ten minutes before I find a proper distraction which was a knock at the door which was slowly opening, when I drag my eyes over to the door I see Vince stood half in the doorway of my room with his hair tied up in a messy ponytail, he nodded at me when he saw I'd noticed him "Hey" Vinnie smiles.

"Hey" I said with my voice coming out rather hoarse, due to the fact I'd been vomiting for almost two days straight.

"Can I sit with you? You look like you could do with the company"

I laugh lightly and met my boyfriend's eyes "How could you tell?"

The blonde smirked and began walking over to me letting the door close behind him "I know you too well... how are you?" He said while sitting down next to me.

"As good as a guy can be for being on the middle of withdrawals... I'm the same pretty much as I was yesterday when you spoke to me apart from the fact today I'm not vomiting every few seconds, it's now like once an hour"

Vince laughed lightly "That's good, I guess... do you feel sick now?"

"A little but I think I'm alright for now... I'm not gonna throw up over you if that's what you're worried about"

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