•𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗢𝗻 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸•

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Vince's POV, 15th April 1988

Today was the day we were all getting released from rehab, it has been around 3 months and we were all clean, we'd all faced our problems and got down to the dirty secrets we'd kept from ourselves- we'd all been given people to talk to when we got out.

We have addiction councillors we're due to see twice a month from the next year- as well as having sponsors we can call if we need too.

We were all excited but also all nervous about leaving, it's gonna be hard to be out in the real world again because all our friends are either drinking or on drugs so it's gonna be tough to stay away from the temptation but we'll find a way.

It was 16:30 by the time we were actually officially discharged and Nikki and I's car was here so we could just leave instantly, it'd been kept on site from when we arrived, it was undamaged, but I'm not surprised because it's a pretty secure unit they've been stored in, we'd come here in my Ferrari rather than Nikki's Corvette so when we were handed back the car keys I took them and I took the liberty of driving home.

We bid goodbye to Tommy and Mick, who'd been both dropped off and picked up by Heather and Emi respectively as Nikki and I got into my car and left.

We didn't say anything during the way home, there wasn't anything to say... we just wanted to get home and start living again without drugs. The journey wasn't overly time consuming, the traffic was actually pretty good, we didn't get caught at lights at all on the way back which was a rare occurrence.

Getting back to the house was a pretty surreal experience, it was just weird to be back home after so long but we were kind of used to that feeling from touring for months on end, but now it was even more so because we were sober.

Neither of us got out or made any attempt to get out of the car at first, we just look at one another and I asked "How you feeling?"

"I feel like I've got my life back, for the first time in years I'm in control of myself again and you have no idea how good that feels" Nikki said sounding relieved and that made me happy, knowing he was happy with himself again.

"Good" I hum placing a kiss to his lips "You ready to go in, or not?"

"Yeah... it's just weird y'know... I've always been on heroin while living here... we've never not lived here with me not being on smack, so I'm really nervous and I don't really know why" he laughed sounding rather embarrassed but there's no need to be, as true as Nikki's words are.

We moved in together here three years ago, only seven months after we first got together and Nikki was an addict then, not at the worst point in his addiction obviously but he was slipping a little further into it at that point.

I understand his anxiety for coming back here clean, he has all his memories of shooting up here but there's no need for it, I'm here with him and I'm never going to let him feel uncomfortable.

If worse comes to worse we'll just move house- I wouldn't mind moving actually and get a fresh load of scenery and get some fresh memories being sober.

"I know why you're nervous but don't be... we'll be fine, I promise" I assure and Nikki nodded smiling "Shall we go?"

"Yeah, let's go... sitting here ain't gonna do anything productive"

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