•𝗟𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱•

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Nikki's POV, May 6th 1988

It's been a few days since the dream and I still wasn't over it, it was stuck in my mind and I couldn't get rid of it- it could be worse, I could have had it again which luckily hasn't happened- I know Vince is concerned about me because I had been ever so slightly quieter than usual but I can't get the image of Vince dead out of my head.

It was really fucking with me but I don't want to keep going on about it because it's probably getting annoying... it's stupid, hanging upon what happened but I didn't think I could ever attempt to hurt Vince, although I wasn't seeing him it doesn't change anything, I still got that fucked up.

In some way I think what happened was a good thing because it finally made me realize what I was doing and get clean but was it worth the risk it posed to Vin's life? I'm not sure.

I don't think so.

We had been visited by Vince's dad yesterday as he'd brought us a few boxes of belongings that had been in Vince's room when he was a kid, and even a teenager- Clois and Shirley were going to throw these boxes out but I said I wanted to see them much to the distain of Vince, so they'd been dropped here we hadn't gone through them yet and were just sitting in corner in our bedroom but I plan on going through them in the next few days and embarrass Vince.

He said it was unfair because I can embarrass him and he can't do the same thing to me, I told him I wish he could embarrass me with my old belongings but I never had anything worth keeping, and the few things I did have were stolen or broken over the years from all the parties we'd had.

It's still strange to see Vin's parents and see how much they love him and fuss over him still now, I'm not jealous of him, it just makes me feel strange because I've never really experienced that, the closest thing I had to parental affection was from my grandparents.

I'm happy Vince had parents who loved him and wanted him, Vin's parents are nice and they fuss over me too and I don't know what to do when they do, I just kind of awkwardly accept it, I appreciate it though, honestly I do... I'm glad they care about me.

I was kinda nervous when I saw them for the first time after Vince and I got together because I thought they didn't think I was going to be good enough for him, like I didn't think I was, but that never happened, they've always loved me and treated me as their own son and I really love them for that.

As for today though not a lot had been happening, I got up and cooked breakfast, watched some MTV with Vin before he went for a shower eventually calling me upstairs for me to re-bleach his hair.

Once I'd done that, Vince went to dry his hair and I hopped into the shower myself, that took about ten minutes and I'd just gotten out of the shower, when Vince had then walked past the room, stopping a few steps past the door then coming back, leaning in the doorframe of the bathroom as I started to shaved the stubble from my face.

"What are you looking at?" I asked casting my eyes over to Vince vaguely before focusing back on myself.

"You" he replied.

"Yeah, I know, but what exactly?"

"Not a lot, I'm just trying to figure out what's wrong with you, you're acting weird... I'm worried about ya man"

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