•𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗢𝗽𝗲𝗻•

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Nikki's POV, 28th April 1988

It's been a couple of weeks since getting out of rehab now, and it hasn't been as difficult as I'd expected... Vince is one of main reasons for that. I really would be lost without him, I've freaked out numerous times about getting that itch to shoot up but Vince had always been there and calmed me down, I hate having to call my sponsor but I knew that I needed too sometimes- Vince has spoken to his without really needing to and I admire that because I'd only call if I had too.

Asking for help isn't my strong point.

To try and pay Vince back for him being there for me I decided that we'd go out for a little while, drive for a little while and just walk for a bit.

I'm trying my best to spend as much one on one time with Vince as I can to make up for all the times I left him alone, he's said he doesn't care what we do as long as we do it together, so this is what we're doing together.

I told Vince to get dressed about ten minutes ago which lost him but he did as I said and got changed then he met me back downstairs, I didn't tell him where we were going because in all honesty I had no idea myself, but I felt like coffee... so I might take him out for coffee and then just do the walking from there.

Just as I think this idea, Vin's voice sounds through the air and asked the very question I had no answer for "Where are we going?" Vince wonders as I throw him his jacket.

"Out" I say simply.

"Well, no shit Sherlock but out where?" He sasses slipping on his jacket not taking his eyes off me.

I look at him as I pick up the car keys "Sass me again and we'll just stay here"

Vince rolled his eyes "I'll internally sass you then"

"You're so irritating" I state unlocking the door and opening it waiting for him to leave the house first so I can lock up.

Vince smirked then shrugged stepping towards me "I thought you already knew that?" He said rhetorically as he then passed me being sure to kiss me soundly on the lips on his way out the door, I smiled and shook my head closing the door behind me as I also left the house, that was when I heard Vin's voice again "Hey, asshole- hurry up! I can feel myself aging just stood here waiting on your ass!"

"Screw you, Neil. Be patient, I know it's not your strong point but give me a chance to lock the damn door, do you wanna come home to an empty house cause we've been robbed? Didn't think so, so shut it" I shot back not giving him a chance to reply to me

"We ain't gonna get robbed, but that's not what I'm bitching about, it doesn't take twenty years to close and lock a door"

I locked the door and put the keys into my own jacket pocket walking away from the door and over to the car pointing a playful finger at my boyfriend "What did I say about sassing me? Sass me again and I'll punish you for it"

"I look forward to it then, cause it's taken you long enough, my fucking grandma can move faster than you, old man"

"You ain't saying that when I'm railing the shit outta you, are you?"

𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘆 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝗲 🤍Where stories live. Discover now