Chapter Thirteen

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Dedicated to BigDreamer97 who has commented and asked about the next chapter!

There was a sound; a mixture between a squeal and a shriek. I didn’t know it had come from me until it left my mouth, and I went into a panic.

            I had to get out of here.

“Sah’nai,” I heard Aiden say behind me. “Please stop.”

“Don’t talk to me. Please let me out,” I pleaded pulling on the door handle again, but it wouldn’t budge.

“Sah’nai,” Aiden yelled out to get my attention. “Don’t do this, please.”

            I stopped thrashing around and sunk into my seat, slowly turning to look at Aiden. He looked so sad and heart broken. I don’t know how I knew it, but I did. No matter how scared I was, I knew that he wouldn’t hurt me. I was reacting as any normal person would. If he wanted to kill me, hurt me or whatever, he would have already done it. But I was scared. Whether of him, or the fact that I wasn’t trying to run anymore, I didn’t know.

“I know you’re scared right now. I can hear your heartbeat. But I won’t hurt you, and deep down inside you know it too.”

            I didn’t say anything.

“I can understand if you never want to see me again, but I just want you to listen. I have to tell you my story, and when I do, you’ll understand everything I didn’t tell you, and why I couldn’t.”

“Okay,” I say my voice in no more than a whisper, but if he was a vampire, as he claimed to be, he could hear me.

“As I said before, I’m a vampire. I was born in 1925 in Berkshire, England. I stopped aging when I was twenty, but that was sixty seven years ago…” he pauses for a minute, and it looked like he was thinking about an old memory. “Where I’m from, there aren’t many vampires, and if there is, you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart from humans. To be able to blend in, and look normal, is apart of the attraction for our prey. But you have to understand something. Real vampires are nothing like the vampires from Twilight, Vampire Kisses, or even VampireAcademy. This is real; I’m real. Real vampires are not beautiful, they’re vicious. They don’t care about you or your life. All they want is to rip your throat out and drink your blood. Humans are nothing but food to them”

            Somewhere in between him talking I didn’t notice that I had turned around, but I sit there in silence, not knowing what to say. He was being serious. I could tell just by looking him in the eyes. But he wasn’t really seeing me. He was too deep into his story, and I was listening because like he said, deep down I wanted to believe him. I didn’t want to be scared of him because I really cared for him. I just never expected anything like this to happen to me.

            I loved to read vampire books, just like the ones he’d mentioned, and I always wondered what it would be like to fall in love with someone who was more than human; where they cared about their mate and her happiness before anything else. To think that this was happening to me was absolutely unbelievable.

            But to hear Aiden say that vampires really weren’t like that made me confused. He was nice, and so far he hadn’t looked at me with disgust or as food. At least I didn’t think so.

“You didn’t say we,” I point out, frowning.


“You said ‘They’ don’t care about humans and that ‘They’ look at us as food. What about you and your family?”

“Vampires aren’t born evil. It all depends on the person who turns you. If they have an evil soul, so will you…” he pauses before finally turning to look at me. “I wasn’t born a vampire. It was a week before I turned twenty one when a newly turned vampire killed my parents and little sisters. Damien and I were almost killed along with them when Jeremy and Eliza came along. They killed her, therefore saving my brother andI.” he swallows. “We’d tried so hard to save our sisters. It was too late for our parents; they’d been ripped to shreds. I thought that I could get her off of my sister Mariah, but she was so strong. I didn’t know that someone could be so strong. In the struggle she snapped my sister’s neck and in a millisecond she was on Damien and me. Jeremy and Eliza saved our lives and it would never be enough.”

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