Pick the Story That You Want To Read Next

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Hey guys! As you all know, Forever to Be Loved is almost to an end. Only three chapters left. As well as Brand New Me, though that won't be done until six more chapters. I am giving you all the opportunity to choose which story you would like to read from me next. I won't pick until the final page of Brand New Me has been uploaded and both stories are finished.

Here are the choices.


My Double Sided Life-Action/Romance

Most girls my age worry about boys, clothes, and popularity. Not me. My priorities consist of my .45 caliber pistol, my M-9 Bayonet, and killing the bad guys. If you haven't figured it out already, I'm what most people call a vigilante. I take the law into my own hands. I take out the guys who think that they are above the law.

I bet I know what you're thinking. What eighteen year old goes out on her own and kills random people? Well, I'm not normal. I was adopted when I was five years old by- well, there's no need to get that far into the story that fast, now is there? All you need to know is that I was adopted and ever since then, I've been training to fight, and to kill.

Do you want to know the type of person I really am? Do you want to know my story how I was taught to kill with no mercy? Do you want to know how I fell in the for the first time? Well, let's let you find out... about my Double Sided Life.

Unacceptable Love-Teen Fiction/Romance

School was out and all Audrey Van der Hale wanted to do before she was shipped off to college was to spend some time with her best friends in their hometown of Kalona, California at her parents Country Club. She just wanted to relax and have some fun.

From the time Audrey was born, she'd been forced to do what her parents wanted her to do, without much say as to what she wanted.  Wanting to please her parents, Audrey always did what she was told, until she met Remington Moneterro; the new worker at her parents Country Club. What will happen when her parents find out? Will she finally stick up for what she wants in life or will she forever be their puppet?

Remembrance-Mystery/Thriller/Paranormal (The paranormal part is because she's psychic)

Three years ago, Aurelia Sorenson's best friend Kali McCray was murdered, and she'd witnessed it. She never knew who'd done it or why they wanted Kali dead. It never made matters worst that Aurelia blamed Kali's death as her fault.

You see, Aurelia has been having visions ever since she was seven. She knew that someone was watching her and Kali, but she thought that it's be safe at a party, surrounded by everyone they knew, and she was wrong.

Years after Kali's death, Aurelia is still carrying around the sorrow that she felt at watching her best friend die. Not knowing that Kali's killer was near, Aurelia tries to bring back the pieces of her life as senior year ends and college is on the horizon.

The remembrance of what used to be is nothing like what's in the eye of the storm for Aurelia, or who's coming for her next.

The Boy Next Door-Teen Fiction/Humor

Leona Reid is the girl next door. She's not exactly hot, but she's not ugly. She's nice, she's smart, and she's athletic. She's everything that he likes in a girl. She's popular without having to try. She doesn't hurt people to make herself feel better.

Evan James is the bad boy next door. He's a player, he's popular and he gets anything that he wants. Including his little sister's best friend. He doesn't care about relationships and he just wants one thing, Leona.

When Leona doesn't fall for his tricks like all the other girls at their school, Evan realizes that she's different. He doesn't give up, which makes him all the more determined to win her over.

He's the hot boy next door, and she's his little sister's best friend.

Road to Nowhere-Action/Adventure

No one cares for Arielle Herrera. They all thinks that she's a liar, and that she makes things up. They think that she wants attention, and it's not true. No one cares about her side of the story of what happened that night. Not even her parents and that what hurts her the most.

Faced with a decision, Arielle decides not to take the easy way out and decides to pack her bags and run away. She has no idea where she's going, only that she'll know when she gets there. Travelling the word by herself, Arielle sees that it's a dangerous thing to do, which is why she lets Javier tag along. Together they go on a road of discovery. A road of life, love, and adventure.

Together they're on a Road to Nowhere.

Fallen Beauty-Romance/Teen Fiction

Mariah McHenry was titled Miss Texas, but it wasn't what she wanted. She hated what her mother made her become, and she despised the weak person that she is. She could handle all that her mother threw at her, but once her sister committed suicide, everything went downhill from there.

They never had the normal type of sister relationship where they thought one another was annoying or that one was trying to be like the other.. They treated each other like  equals, like they were best friends because they were and when her sister was gone Mariah had no one.

When Mariah tries to commit suicide her mother decides it's time for them to start somewhere new. Still, with the chance to become someone new, Mariah has a hard time becoming the old person that she was when she was with her sister.

It take love to bring this Fallen Beauty alive.

There you guys go! Now, pick which story you want and either message me or write is as a comment. Whichever two has the most votes will be the new two stories!

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