Chapter Six

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The next day I felt terrible. I couldn't sleep at all last night, and when I awoke, I all but puked up my intestines, I was so sick. It was so bad that I couldn't call out for my mother, and then finally Jasmine walked in. I bet that I was a sight to see that morning. Hair all over my face, sheen of sweat covering my body, blood running down my nose and puke on my chin.

"Mom, Dad," Jasmine screamed running out of the room, coming back with a hot rag, our mom, dad and Robert trailing behind her.

Jasmine ran towards me, helping me sit up, while my mom immediately started crying, and moved towards me, bending down to grab the rag and began to wipe my face off. My dad left the room, and my brother came and sat down on my other side, holding my hand.

"The ambulance is on the way," my dad said entering back into the room, eyes red.

"Daddy?" I asked once I saw him backing out of the room. He shook his head, and exited my room.

"It's okay Sah'nai. He just needs to be alone right now," my mom said stroking my hair, and I didn't realize that I was crying right now, and I began to hear sirens in the background.

Once the ambulance arrived, I was put onto a stretcher, and taken to St. Mercy Hospital, where my doctor, Dr. Moore checked me out. When the doctor came back into the room with a morose expression on his face, and requested to speak to my mother alone I refused to be left out this time, and my mom reluctantly agreed.

"The test was sent to the lab, and we will have to wait a couple days for the results," the doctor explained looking down at the clipboard he was holding.

"What do you think the problem is?" asked mom.

"Uh, it's a possibility that with this particular type of cancer, it has spread throughout the body. We just want to make sure so that we know which step to take next,"

"And what do we do in the meantime?" my mom asked wringing her hands together nervously.

"The only thing that we can do, wait,"

"Do I have to stay here?" I asked voice hoarse.

"Just for today,"

"Okay," I say relieved.

"So what other options do you think we have?"

"You already know what I would suggest, but Sah'nai is dead set on what she wants. We can't force her into anything she doesn't wish for,"

"Right," my mom murmurs while looking in my direction.

I look out the window, not wanting my mom to pressure me into something that I do not want. She had to understand that I cannot always do what she wants me to. I wasn't a little girl anymore and she can't decide for me my entire life.

I don't know when I fell asleep, but when I awoke it was dusk. Outside of the window, the sky was a swirl of pinks and oranges and farther in the distance purples and blues. Turning away from the window I gasped at what I saw.

"What are you doing here?" I asked my voice raspy with sleep.

"I'm sorry," Aiden said, his voice smooth and soft, standing up. "Do you want me to go?"

"No, not at all," I say quickly, sitting up taking in what he was wearing.

He had on a pale blue sweater, bringing out his intense grey eyes, slim light blue jeans that hung off of his waist in a way that made my mouth water, and his hair was wavy and tousled like he was caught in a heavy wind.

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