Chapter Twenty Three

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I feel so sad that there is only a chapter and a prologue left :( The time to end this is coming in this and the next chapter.



"What are you doing today?" Rhianan asked from where she was perched on her bed, legs crossed and watching me as I packed up all of my things..

"I'm hanging out with Aiden. I'm going to give him a haircut ," I say with a laugh. "You?"

"If Robert's busy today, I'll just stay home."

"I shouldn't be too long. I don't know what we're going to do today. Let me know what Robert says and we can all do something together," I say.

Rhianan gets up from her bed once I point towards her bedroom door. "That'll be fun."

The both of us exit from out of the room and walk down the stairs, as we pass the kitchen Rhianan pokes her head through the doorway and looks at her dad Michael, who was sitting at the small table drinking a cup of coffee.

"Bye Daddy," Rhianan says walking into the kitchen to kiss her father on the cheek.

"Bye Michael," I say with a wave and a smile. I always did like Rhianan's father. He was a cool parent and I knew it hurt Rhianan that he worked all the time and she rarely saw him. He haven't been the same ever since his wife died and I felt sorry for him.

"Bye girls," he said with a small smile of his own. "Tell your Mom and Dad hi Sah'nai."

"I will," I promised him.

As we step outside I was happy to see that it had begun to snow sometime last night. There was a thick layer of snow coating the ground, making it look like one giant cotton ball of white fluff. It was still falling down heavily and I raised my head up to the heavens and held my hands out, felling little cold pinpricks as the little snowflakes met my warm skin and melted before I could bring my hands back up to my eyes.

"I love snow," I say looking to Rhianan with a happy smile.

"I don't," she replies back with a grumble and glare and I laugh.

"You never did," I say walking over to the car.

On the way home, Rhianan went on and on about Robert, and other mundane things while I just leaned my head against the window of the passenger side seat because I had a killer headache and I sort of felt weird.

I hope I don't get sick again, I think to myself.

"Sah'nai are you even listening to me?" Rhianan asked taking her attention from off of the road for a minute to glare at me.

"No, not really," I say turning to look at her with a lazy smile.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I just have a little headache," I say and as I do, I put my hand to my forehead as I felt the pain intensify.

I'd never had a headache like this before. It felt like someone was pounding on my head with a hammer. Or like I was repeatedly being hit in the head.

"You sure Nai?"

"Yes," I say waving my hand in the air dismissively. "What were you talking about?" I ask referring to what she's said before about my not listening to her.

"I was just saying how we should do something fun one day. Me, you, Aiden, Robert and your sister and that boy she's dating."

"Jared?" I ask.

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