Chapter 36:The Photo

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(Author LeviAndErenAreMine's note): I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting for a while. I lost inspiration and my cat, Rascal recently died on Monday. I have never cried this much and for other readers who have pets, I hope you understand.

Levi P.O.V

I only had one goal. My ultimate Goal was to make Y/n fall in love with me, again. I could tell I've already accomplished that goal but I had another and maybe multiples after that. From what I'd heard from Hange it seemed like Y/n was head over heels for me just like back then. I am determined to keep Y/n by my side and refuse anyone to take her or come near her. Though I am a gentleman I would let her closest friends or cadets be around her. Anyone else who wanted to harm or do something to Y/n would certainly die.

I've been only thinking about this for the past 15 minutes. I'm awfully bored and tired of doing the paperwork Erwin gave me. I twirled my quill feathers around my slender fingers in my right hand but my left was grabbing my ebony raven hair. I closed my eyes in frustration when I heard three knocks on my door and I groaned.

"State your name and business." I called out loud enough for the person to hear.

"OI! It's me HANGE ZOE!!!"

"Sh*it," I cursed under my breath.

"You gonna let me in or not...shorty?"

"Come in," I mumbled but Hange burst through the door before I could say it.

Hange sat herself down on the wooden chair in front of my desk and she eyed my paper tower before laughing hysterically. 

"Cut the crap and tell me why you're here?"

"It's about Y/n."

My eyes widened in alarm. Did something happen to her?

"And no she isn't in any trouble...It's just that she is having her memories come back of Annie and the other group."

"So, she's receiving her memories back of the Titan Shifting group and not me instead?" I sighed sadly.

"Apparently, Yes but the bigger problem is that she is now outside the walls looking for the four shifters. And Eren went with her." Hange fiddled with her fingers as she quickly piled everything out of her mouth.

"WHAT?!" I slammed my hands down on my desk. My paper tower stack falling down in piles. "How come you didn't stop her?!"

"It wasn't my fault. You told me to not get to close to her or meddle in her business."

"F*ck, I know I did but I didn't expect you to actually listen."

"People change Levi," Hange frowned, "but you should go find Y/n before it's too late."

I nodded at Hange before snatching my cloak and exiting my room.

Eren P.O.V

I'm not sure what I'm doing or what Y/n is doing but I have no idea what is happening. I know Y/n is scared of me but I don't know why she chose me to come with her to wherever she is going. 

I looked towards Y/n who was in front of me on her brown horse. I wondered what was going on inside her head.

Earlier I found Y/n sneaking out of the dorms and I followed her into the stables. She wasn't so surprised that I caught her but she told me to change into my uniform and follow her. She had this worried look in her eyes and some glint of happiness but I really am not sure.

Y/n doesn't remember me which is a bit sad but it's fine with me that I'm at least a friend to her now because of this trip.

"Y/n, where are we going." I asked her and turned around and smiled at me pulling her hood down.

"I remember some of my memories and the reason why I am so comfortable with you now is because I remember you and many of the other cadets. But do you remember Annie, Reiner, Berthold, and Ymir?"

"Yes, why? Does this trip have anything to do with them? I thought they had run away somewhere far. Do you still have connections with them?" I asked multiple questions.

"Yes, this trip had something to do with them and they did run away but not very far and I don't have any connections with them at all." Y/n answered me but I did not understand.

"How are we going to find them if you don't have any connections to them."

Y/n smiled and turned back to the front, "Because earlier I sent a crow and hopefully it arrives in time."


We had just entered the Farland Woods and the sun had already settled down as the moon rised. I shivered quietly and hugged my cloak around my body tighter. I didn't want to distract Y/n so I tried not to shiver and make rustling sounds in my cloak. The whole time we had been in Farland Woods, Y/n was always looking around for something or someone and I've just been following her.

"Hey, Eren I think we're almost here." Y/n said with a letter in her hand and a black crow on her left shoulder. I didn't notice it before as I was shivering but it seems that Y/n received a response from the person she sent a crow to.

"Oh- Okay, how much further?"

"Around 5-10 minutes left." I nodded at Y/n.

I stared out into the dark distance to spot any movement but there was just nothing.

Or so I thought.

~Levi P.O.V

Faster, Faster, FASTER!

I urged my horse to go on faster than ever. My horse, Farlan who was a dark coat of midnight black galloped at a tremendous speed. 

I had no idea where on earth Y/n and that stupid brat, Eren could have gone. That was until I saw footprints and a drop of a certain item that belonged to Y/n. 

It was a photo. A photo that gave me the urge to find her even more. A photo that I wondered how she ever got her hands on. A photo that Kenny had taken. A photo that I had lost...

"Sh*t, Y/n you better explain."

To be Continued...

1039 Words

Published: 31/7/2021

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