Chapter One

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Chapter One

“PUT ME DOWN!” Regulus yelled, he kept moving about punching and kicking the air trying to get down.

“What did I say earlier?” said Sirius from the floor, smirking and enjoying the sight of his brother like that “You’re lucky you know Regulus that I did it at home, and I’m not killing you.”

“PUT ME DOWN SIRIUS!” his brother screamed

“Hmm, maybe later,” said Sirius heading back to the fireplace “Oh yeah, Kreacher!”

And came into the room, the Blacks’ house elf.

“Yes young master?”

“Put my school stuff in my room.”

“Yes young master.” And Kreacher got Sirius’ things and stopped when he saw Regulus.

“Young master Sirius, what have you done to young master Regulus?”

“Oh let him be.” Sirius said carelessly and got into the fireplace and got some Floo Powder “Diagon Alley!” and poof, Sirius was gone.


As he got to Diagon Alley, Sirius thought to himself where his friends would be, in a matter of 30 seconds “Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop” he said to himself and smiled and headed towards the shop.

He got to the shop and saw his friends on the cashier.

“Padfoot mate! Good of you to come back! How’d you know we were here?” said James

“Well Prongs, it would be a shock to me if I saw you guys somewhere in a place like a bookshop, well unless it was Moony’s turn to decide where to go.” Said Sirius and they laughed

“Whatever.” Said Remus who was beside James, “So what did you do to Regulus?”

“Oh nothing, I just hexed him.”

“Nice, which one did you use?” said Peter

“Levicorpus.” Sirius said smirking

James gave him a high five “Nice one mate! Won’t your mum be upset though when she goes home?”

“It would be worth it, c’mon let’s go somewhere else.” And the four friends headed outside; as they were outside they debated on where to go.

“Let’s go to Hogsmeade!” said James

“Hmm, too far.” Said Remus

“He has a point, I still need to go home mate,” Sirius said rolling his eyes he didn’t want to go home he hated it there at Grimmauld Place, most of all when the whole family was there the only decent persons were in his eyes were his sister Polaris, his cousin Andromeda, his Uncle Alphard and the other disowned members. “Not that I would want to.”

“How about Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlour?” suggested Peter

“Nah, not hungry.” Said James

“How about-“ said Remus but he was cut off by James

“Flourish and Blotts Remus? C’mon Remus let’s have some fun before we go to school, don’t you wanna have fun before we go? I mean a bookstore, reading books, we do that at school!” said James, Remus rolled his eyes.

“You read books at school Potter? I thought you only pretend  to?” a voice said from behind them, they all turned around and saw that it was Lily Evans, James’ one true love who hated him, she was apparently wasn’t in his fan club.

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