Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

Arianna was getting used to helping the Marauders a bit now, she still found them irritating though. She talked and as the Marauders say it “Hung out” during free times, Arianna was now used to the envious looks she was receiving from the many jealous girls, and the death glares Sirius’ exes gave her daily.

“What exactly do they want?” Asked Marlene one Saturday afternoon in their dorm, Arianna shrugged as she continued combing her hair

“They say they think I have ‘Skills’” said Arianna lying smoothly “in other words they need me as an ally, I couldn’t decline if I wanted to of course because I ‘owe’ them for saving me from Bellatrix Insanely Mad Black.” Lily, Alice and Marlene laughed

“Did you really have to call her that?” asked Marlene

“You have to admit it’s true though,” Alice pointed out “That girl is mental I tell you. Mental. She sometimes gives me the creeps.”

“It’s obvious she’s a Dark Arts junkie too,” said Arianna as she magically tied her shoelaces “The day when she was trying to hex me, she was with some other Slytherin friends of hers and they didn’t look very friendly either.”

“I know right.” Agreed Marlene “I’ll bet you guys my house and all my other belongings. Those guys are going to become evil wizards after school.”

Arianna and Alice nodded vigorously in agreement

“Well maybe you’re right,” said Lily as she did her Charms homework “but we can never tell, none of us are Seers right?”

Arianna just shrugged

“Yeah maybe…” she said “well I’m heading down stairs Potter and co. calls.”

“Good luck…” her roommates chorused as she headed out of their dorm

“Riddle!” Arianna distanced herself away as Sirius appeared in front of her at the foot of the girls’ dormitory staircase

“Personal –“

“–Space,” Sirius finished for her “yes I know that already Riddle. C’mon Prongs and the others are by the usual spot.”

“You mean the beech tree by the lake.” Arianna pointed out as they climbed out of the portrait hole

“Same thing,” said Sirius as he put his hands behind his head as they walked, Arianna noticed the Black Family crest wristband Sirius always wore with a giant X mark on it poking out of his sleeve “you of all people should have known that Riddle.”

“Well I’m sorry for not knowing the code and rules you marauders have then.” Said Arianna in an annoyed tone, Sirius looked surprised at her

“How did you know about that?”

“About what Black?” said Arianna confusedly

“About the – never mind,” he said “c’mon the guys are waiting.” Arianna just raised her eyebrows as they ran towards the grounds.

“About time you guys got here,” said James impatiently as he crumpled his hair “you guys do realize I have other important things to do right?”

Arianna rolled her eyes

“Number three!!!” Sirius sang

“Well if you have other important things to do,” said Arianna dismissively “then why can’t we just stop all this ‘tutoring’?”

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