Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

Arianna sat up from her and stretched, she glanced at her clock it was seven am they leave for Hogsmeade at nine, and she jumped off her bed and saw her roommates starting to wake up too.

“I’m showering first!” Lily called as she got her towel and ran to the bathroom, Arianna, Lily and Marlene just laughed

“Yeah you go first Lils, we wouldn’t want Severus to wait now would we?” Marlene teased, Lily’s head then popped out of the bathroom door, she glared at Marlene

“We’re only friends and you know it.” She said, she then went back in. The three girls laughed, Arianna then headed in front of the mirror and started brushing her long hair.

“You’re going with Remus right Arianna?” asked Alice as she tried to find some clothes in her trunk

“Uh huh,” said Arianna as she brushed her hair

“So do you like him?” asked Marlene mischievously as she lay on her bed again, Arianna rolled her eyes “Number one” she thought, but then dismissed the thought because she realized she was counting how many times she rolled her eyes like Black.

“Nah I don’t,” she said “I was about to say no when he asked but then he said we’d go as friends and well Remus is really nice to me unlike his friends.”

“Black is nice to you.” Said Alice smiling,

“No he isn’t,” said Arianna “he’s annoying.” Alice and Marlene just laughed

“Don’t you want to have a boyfriend?” Marlene asked as Arianna got the clothes she was planning to wear. Arianna shrugged

“Nah,” she said “I don’t have time, I need to study maybe I would if a decent boy comes but right now I see no one.”

“You are one heck of a good girl.” Said Marlene, Arianna just laughed and waited for Lily to finish taking a shower.

All the third years and above that were given full permission to go to Hogsmeade were now lining up at the entrance hall; the Marauders who were part of those students were in a secluded area of the hall ‘discussing’

“Okay so after you go to Honeydukes and that book shop the two of you go to the Three Broomsticks and then of course the three of us come into view.” Said James repeating their game plan once again

“Yes, yes Prongs you’ve repeated the plan for a millionth time now,” said Sirius dismissively

“I just want everything to be-“

“Perfect. We know,” Sirius finished for him “You’ve said that for forty eight times now.”

“How’d you know that Padfoot?” asked Peter, Sirius shrugged

“I’ve developed a habit of counting how many times a person does or say something if he or she does it repeatedly,” Sirius explained, the Marauders gawked at him they were surprised by his statement “I developed it when I started hanging out with Riddle, I count how many times she rolls her eyes.”

The Marauders nodded awkwardly

 “Okay so much for that,” said James breaking the silence “now Moony-“

“Prongs I know what to do,” said Remus holding up a hand “you don’t need to explain even more.”

James opened his mouth to retort but,

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