Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

A/N: Hey guys I’m so sorry if the house of Polaris doesn’t go like how you guys wanted I really thought about putting her in what you guys suggested (Ravenclaw, Gyryffindor etc.), but it would totally go against the book, so I hope you guys understand! And won’t hate me! (I’m begging you please don’t :(( ) and I have a purpose of putting her there don’t worry! ;)

“SLYTHERIN!” The hat yelled, and the Slytherin table rounded with applause, and welcoming another member of The House of Black. Polaris looked at her brother Sirius from the Gryffindor table sadly, Sirius looked at her reassuringly trying to make her feel better, and she headed to her new house table and sat quietly.

“Tsk, poor kid now she has to live with Regulus and your other cousins.” Said James sadly “No offense mate.”

“She doesn’t look very happy.” Said Remus

“Yeah she isn’t, I should talk to her later.” Said Sirius

“Poor Polaris.” Said Peter. And they looked at Polaris from the Slytherin table, all of them smiling reassuringly trying to make her feel better.

After the sorting Dumbledore came and gave his usual welcoming speech, started the feast and they all ate. After dinner, the prefects were called together to round up the first years.

“Arianna the prefects need to round up the first years to the common room, would you be fine alone?” said Lily to her friend.

“Of course I can Lily; I’m not five you know!” Arianna laughed

“Well, then I need to go! See you at the common room!” and Lily headed towards the other prefects, when she approached the Head Girl, she was told something ordered to do something to be exact, which she didn’t look like she wanted to do.

She headed to spot to where The Marauders were sitting.

“Remus, we need to go the Head Boy and Girl’s calling for all prefects.” She said not making eye contact to any of them, all of The Marauders were staring at her specifically James.

“Hey why are you and Remus on a first name basis but you and I can’t get there?” said James pretending to sound hurt.

“I only do that because I try to sound civil.”

“And you can’t be civil with me?”

“I’ll never be civil to you Potter.” Lily snapped “Lupin, the heads are calling.”

“Aww, look what you did Prongs now they’re on last name basis again.” Said Sirius and they laughed, Lily rolled her eyes and Remus started to get up not, wanting a fight on their start of term.

The Gryffindors were all rounded up and were heading to their common rooms, so were the Slytherins Sirius managed to see Polaris and pull her away to get to talk to her, she still seemed sad.

“Hey Pol” said Sirius “Hey, don’t be so down The Sorting Hat’s never been wrong!”

“I know that Siri,” she said sadly, he saw a tear escape her eye “but I think it put me in there because he knew that I didn’t want mother to get mad at me, it like said stuff about putting me in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.”

“Everything has a reason kid,” Sirius said comfortingly “so just go with the flow; everything’s going to be just fine.” Polaris nodded and hugged her brother.

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