Chapter Thirty Five

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Chapter Thirty Five

Arianna found it a bit weird that she was now with Sirius because she used to hate him so much. Alice and the others claim that they “saw it coming” Lily personally thought Arianna should watch out because things never seem to “last” with Sirius, Alice and Marlene always dismissed that thought of course whenever Lily brought it up.

“You ready yet?” asked Marlene, Arianna ran a hand through her hair and got her trunk, It was Christmas break and most of the students who were wanting to stay with their families for the holidays were boarding the train back to London that day. Arianna and her roommates being one of them.

“Yeah I’m good.” She said as she pulled her trunk and went beside Marlene, Alice and Lily were already downstairs

“Shall we?”

Arianna laughed

“Did you really have to use that phrase?” she asked as Marlene opened the door, Marlene grinned

“I know how much it means to you.” She said winking; Arianna laughed and playfully hit her on the arm as they walked down the stairs and into the common room where Lily and Alice were waiting. Arianna was half expecting to see the Marauders come up to her or Sirius for the matter and drag her away like the usual, but she was surprised to see not a single one of them was even at the common room.

“We should get going,” said Lily, as Arianna and Marlene walked up to them; glancing at her watch “We wouldn’t want the train to leave us now do we?”

“No, we don’t Lily.” said Alice, rolling her eyes “None of us do. But could you just cool down? We aren’t running late don’t worry.”

Lily sighed and checked her watch again, she was about to say more but Marlene held up a hand “We know.” She said she then dragged her trunk towards the portrait hole, Alice and Arianna followed closely behind her, laughing; Lily on the other hand just rolled her eyes.

The Entrance Hall was loaded when they arrived, almost all of the students of Hogwarts were going home for the Holidays some didn’t look very happy of doing so but were still falling in line just like Bellatrix Black who looked like she had better things to do.

Arianna looked around to see if she could find the group of famous four boys yet like earlier failed to do so because Alice had grabbed her hand,

“C’mon Arianna!” she said excitedly; pulling her by the hand, Arianna grabbed her trunk hastily as Alice practically ran towards the line, Lily and Marlene tailing behind them trying to keep up with Alice’s pace

“Whoa cool down Alice,” said Arianna laughing as they finally stopped behind some Seventh Years who were in front of the line, Lily and Marlene who had finally caught up with them; laughed as they settled down,

“You obviously seem excited to go home,” said Marlene as some snow fell lightly on her face, Lily laughed in agreement

“Hey I miss my mum!” said Alice defensively, making them laugh even more

“And I miss my girlfriend.” Arianna laughed as Sirius grabbed her hand, Alice and Marlene gave their fairs share of “Awwws” and other things, Lily on the other hand gave Sirius a look and walked up to him, just as the other Marauders came.

Lily narrowed her eyes at him, as she looked up at him. Their height differences not bothering her one bit, Arianna smiled, she knew what was about to come. James was about to say something as stupid as usual to Lily but Lily held up a hand as she poked Sirius on the chest.

“If. You. Do anything. To. Arianna .I .will .Seriously .Kill .You .Black.” Lily said, emphasizing every word and poking him on the chest for each. Sirius just laughed

“Yeah I won’t Evans,” said Sirius laughing “Don’t worry.”

Lily narrowed her eye at him again

“You better.” She said “Or else I’ll be in serious trouble with her mum for letting her go out with someone like you.”

                Arianna looked around the platform for her mum, her luggage and the Marauders beside her. Sirius kept a hold on her hand which was freezing in the cold weather, Peter had already gone off with his parents as soon as he found them James, Sirius and Remus on the other hand were still on the lookout for their parents along with Arianna. Well Remus, James and Arianna were at least. Sirius knew he just had to go along with his cousins and siblings and he’ll find his parents in no time, but decided against it, he chose to wait for Polaris and go with her instead.

                “Hey I think that’s my mum,” said Arianna narrowing her eyes and standing on her tiptoes, the Marauders looked to where she was looking at, just as she confirmed it was really her mum “Yeah it’s her.” She said as the woman started waving at her, looking like she could run towards her right at that moment.

                Arianna looked up at Sirius and smiled sadly

                “Well I’ll see you after the holidays then,” she said “Merry Christmas.” Sirius and Remus both grinned and turned around

“Oh don’t mind us!” James hollered as they did “We’ll just give you some privacy! Pretend we aren’t here!”

“That was unnecessary Prongs.” Said Remus, Arianna and Sirius just laughed. A couple of students passed by them when Sirius pulled Arianna closer to him, their faces only inches apart. He was about to kiss her when Arianna put a finger to his lips,

“Not here.” She whispered as she hugged him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Sirius groaned

“Why not?” he asked, Arianna laughed as she let go of him

“My mum is here.” She said winking, pointing discreetly to where her mum was, currently chatting with Lily’s mum who was with Lily’s father and her snobby sister Petunia. Arianna made sure to see that none of Lily’s family members or her mum was looking when she stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Sirius on the cheek

“See you after the holidays,” she said “I’ll write don’t worry.”

Sirius just smiled as she walked towards her mum, who had now just ended her conversation with Mrs. Evans due to her happiness at the sight of her adopted child. Arianna dropped her things as he mum hugged her,

“I missed you so much Arianna dear!” she cried, Arianna laughed as she hugged her mum back.

“I missed you too mum.” She said as her mum let go of her. Arianna greeted the Evans’s politely, both Mr. and Mrs. Evans returning the favor very nicely while Petunia did nothing but give a curt nod. The Evans’s had to wait a bit longer considering Lily was a prefect so Arianna and her mum had to leave earlier, as Arianna and her mum walked away, Arianna looked back and saw Sirius with his little sister Polaris, James and Remus talking to what seemed to be James’ parents.

Sirius gave Arianna a wink, who in return just smiled and stuck her tongue out.

“So have you met any boys this year?” her mum asked as they stepped out into the snow, Arianna laughed as she discreetly tried looking back at Sirius who was now with his family and looking very moody.

“Meh not much.”

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