Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three


The Hogsmeade trip was tomorrow, many boys who didn’t have any dates were now trying to get one on the last minute, a couple have wanted to ask Arianna but something weird would usually happen, like the other day when Joshua Corner tried asking her, when he was about to ask a hive of bees suddenly came and attacked him, or when a boy gets lucky and gets to ask her, Arianna rejects him, and claims she has no time for boys like she always does.

“Okay she’s alone now,” said James as he peeked at behind the bookshelf he was hiding at, the Marauders were in a very unlikely place that they would go to, the library. Why you might ask? They were stalking, or in Sirius’ words ‘waiting for the right moment’ to bug Arianna about their deal and make her agree. Yes, yes she had already said no, and that she wouldn’t help them but being the Marauders they were able to come up with a plan.

“Good, good” said Sirius grinning wickedly, as he rubbed his hands together “now get up Moony it’s time.”

Remus looked up from his book his eyebrows raised

“I thought the plan was one of us asks her to Hogsmeade on a ‘date’ but when the chosen Marauder and Arianna arrive in Hogsmeade the other three shall ride along with them after they have a bit of fun.” Said Remus in a matter of fact tone, he even made air quotes on the ‘date’ part.

“Yes it is the plan what part of it don’t you get? Geez Moony and I thought you were the smart one.” Said James as he sat next to Sirius again, Remus rolled his eyes and Peter just listened attentively

“The part I don’t get is why I have to be the one to ask her out?” said Remus crossing his arms

“Because,” said James rolling his eyes “I can’t ask her because I’m after Evans, Padfoot can’t ask her because she’d say no before he can even open his mouth, and Wormtail can’t ask her because you know how women feel about Wormtail. No offense Wormtail.”

Peter just nodded

“Besides she likes you the best.” Added Sirius with his signature smile, Remus groaned exasperatedly

“Why does it always have to be me?” he said as he looked up to the heavens

“Because you’re the good one,” said James “now go.”

“I thought Moony was the smart one?” asked Peter

“The smart one and good one are usually one person Wormtail.” Said Sirius, Remus just glared at them

“If I get any injuries you’ll seriously get it on the next full moon.” Said Remus giving his friends death glares as he got up

“Non sense!” said James as he rocked his chair like always, making it stand on two legs instead of four “She won’t hex you, you’re not Padfoot are you?”

Sirius whacked the back of his head, James just laughed

“This coming from the boy who claims he’s in love with the girl that has hated him ever since first year.” Said Sirius, James just stuck out his tongue.

“Whatever,” said James “you can do it Moony, good luck!” he said patting Remus’ back as he stared at the table Arianna was sitting at

“Yeah she’s just a girl,” squeaked Peter “you can do it Moony.”

“Just be careful and make sure your wand is somewhere you can easily reach,” said Sirius as he clapped a hand on Remus shoulder, Remus was standing between James and Sirius now who were giving him tips, Peter was still sitting on their table just watching them

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