Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen


A few days have passed, and I was getting used to Hogwarts it wasn’t like my old school but I liked it here. Lily, Alice, Marlene and I walked each other to each of our respective classrooms in the morning and had separate classes throughout the day until last period and Astronomy. I was getting used to Black too, we weren’t friends, just civil that’s how I put it, he sits next to me in almost every single class well except for last period (Charms) and he sometimes sits with his friends at Potions, but I’ve learned how to tolerate him.

I sometimes walk alone going to my classes but Black likes to keep me company, which I find a bit annoying and awkward at times. I sometimes even try to ditch him, but yeah that doesn’t work.

Lily, Alice, Marlene and I just got out of the Great Hall, we were dropping off each other to each of our classrooms, and we did this so no one had to walk alone in the morning which was great. I was the first to be dropped off always. As we were walking and talking, I accidentally bumped into someone,

“Oh sorry,” I said and helped her up, when she saw me she instantly glared at me, stood up and left. She was a HufflePuff with tanned skin and blonde hair, like one of those pretty girls with no brains. “Er, you’re welcome.” I muttered and we continued walking I didn’t really like blondes most of the blondes I knew were quite snobby, pretty yet stupid or just a pain on the butt.

“Who was that?” I asked the girls as we walked

“Tss, don’t mind her Arianna.” Said Marlene “That was just Jessable Grinch.”

“Okay,” I said still a bit confused “I can see she isn’t the friendly type. Seeing by the last name I can tell.”

“She’s just jealous of you.” Said Alice

“Yeah, she obviously is, but don’t be intimidated Arianna she may be pretty, not that I saying you’re not” said Lily “but she’s as clueless as a two year old.”

“Wait,” I said “why would she be jealous of me exactly?”

“Well,” said Alice “you see Black likes to hang out with you and they used to date but it only lasted for like a week, and she’s jealous.”

“Oh great, this is all because of Black.” I said exasperatedly “I knew being civil with him wasn’t a good idea.”

“Just forget about her,” said Lily

“Yeah don’t mind them.” Said Marlene as they dropped me off at Potions, I noticed how she used “them” sigh, this isn’t going to be the end of that I’m sure. We said our good byes and I got in the classroom, Slughorn wasn’t there yet, since the class was chatting with their seatmates.

I got to my usual seat beside the nerdy Ravenclaw, and prepared my things. Sigh, my first week isn’t even over yet and some girls are starting to hate me.

“I’m so lucky, I’m the luckiest girl on the planet” I muttered as I rummaged through my bag

“You got that right considering you have me as a seatmate all day.” I didn’t need to look up to see who it was.

“Don’t say it Black,” I said as I laid my stuff down on the table “Good morning there, no need to say it.”

Black just smirked “So how was your morning?”

“Fine” I mumbled “if you consider getting a hater then, yes it was peachy.”

“I can see you’re in a bad mood.” He said rocking his chair, so it was only sitting on two legs, he always did that “must be the bipolar nerves.”

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